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the miracle berry

does anyone remember, in the late 1990s, there was a fad where everyone was buying Synsepalum dulcificum, also known as the Miracle Berry? It's a berry from a plant in Africa which, after tasting it, makes every bite of food taste sweet. You literally could just taste the berry, spit it out, then suck on a lemon and it would taste like sweet lemonade.

I don't know what reminded me of it, but remembering it made me think about how the taste of food can greatly influence success or failure when trying to lose weight. And I think most people have experienced irresistible desires for something sweet, or something salty.

So I'm wondering what people here have experienced. Is there a certain food you cannot stop craving because it's salty or sweet and satisfies that desperate need for one of those profiles? I know I have particular cravings for sweet or salty that just won't go away until I find a food to satisfy them. In the 1990s, I was crazy for Fiddle Faddle or Crunch and Munch, which is popcorn with a sweet and salty coating. Cracker Jack, also, but it contains peanuts which add to the depth of the flavor.

And did anyone here try the Miracle Berry?
I never heard of the miracle berry but i wish there was a miracle sugar!!!! Oh the list of cravings is long.......sweet: gummy bears, twizzlers, chocolate chip cookies, boston creme donuts, coca-cola, and lets not forget chocolate! Salty: soft pretzels, chips, french fries, nachos, and pita chip crackers. A common thing in all of them is Carbs, carbs, carbs. Boohoo me.
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No, but I remember hearing that; I do not have issues with Sweets but more with bread and starchy food, like Breas with my coffee, Tortillas, pasta, and so on... It is a compulsive desire sometimes; I know it is craving, but it is relentless; I am still losing weight after almost six months post-ops, but Cracing and appetite are returning with a vengeance...I am scared THAT I will fall off the wagon. I drink water constantly, and that seems to do the trick for the moment, but they come back; it is a day-to-day battle, and I do not want to gain what I have lost with so much hard work, but this is definitely a addiction.