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Sugar free jelly and preserves


Active Member
I am 5 days post op. My dietician said I could mix sugar free jelly with plain greek yogurt for my protein. My husband couldn't find it so he got sugar free preserves instead. Is that acceptable?
I am 5 days post op. My dietician said I could mix sugar free jelly with plain greek yogurt for my protein. My husband couldn't find it so he got sugar free preserves instead. Is that acceptable?
Hi Nanette,
I would think that as long as the jelly or preserves is "sugar free" and doesn't have any seeds like raspberry, you should be alright. To be sure I would contact your doctor's office.
Good luck Nanette, I couldn't tolerate milk products after my surgery. Till this day, I can't tell you the last time I had sugar free yogurt, or sf ice cream. I haven't tried the lactose intolerant milk products, so I make my protein shakes with water and sf syrups.