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Hair loss..no thanks :(

I'm getting my surgery done in January, 2014. I'm so scared because of the whole hair loss thing, I am so in love with my hair it is about 3 feet long. It is sort of like my security blanket. This is the only thing that really worries me as of right now. The nurse had told me it will only thin out, but I've been seeing a lot of people say sometimes you can lose handfuls of hair. It has me so scared. What usually happens?

I had a sleeve gastrectomy on May 16, 2013. To date, I've lost 60 pounds, which I never could have done without the surgery! I'm so glad I had it done. I too, love my hair. It used to be really thick when I was younger, then I started having thyroid problems and it got thin. Just in the last month, I've really noticed it has gotten a lot thinner on top. I don't lose clumps or handfuls of hair at a time. I did notice it got worse after I dyed my hair last month and it has continued. I am probably not getting enough protein. I saw someone's video on youtube and she said her hair got pretty thin, but I thought she said it came back in. I don't like it, but I feel so much better and I can do things that I haven't been able to do in years that I'm grateful to be losing the weight. Hope this helps. Good luck with your surgery!
Even if you lose a lot of hair, it is temporary and it will grow back . Usually only your hairdresser can tell that you've lost hair. Other people won't notice.
regarding hair loss

all i know is take your vitamens, drink your water and protein protein protein...if you get enough protein in you shouldnt have a problem:)
I drink 3 protein shakes a day at 28 grams of protein each and lunch and dinner and my hair is still thinning. The only thing I have to say about that is my body is thinning faster and I feel great. The hair will grow back and I am getting good at wearing wide headbands and other items.