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  1. M

    Good food!

    Hi All, Just wanted to share two things I've developed that were good: Thick sliced tomatoes with ricotta, mozzarella, fresh basil, garlic, italian seasoning, salt and pepper - put it under the broiler until the cheese browns. Mini pizzas with no carbs and about 5 g protein for each one...
  2. M

    Losing weight very slowly

    I want a payoff for my efforts :>) Thanks for the responses!
  3. M

    Losing weight very slowly

    Thank you Thanks so much for the responses - I appreciate it! I'm trying to be patient. The nutritionist finally called back today. I think part of the issue is the very low calorie count - my body isn't used to it being that low. I'm upping it to about 800/day, which I hope will help...
  4. M

    Losing weight very slowly

    Hi All! I had my gastric sleeve surgery on 6/24/13. During the first week, I dropped 10 lbs. Second week - 2 lbs. I'm in week three now. I was on the liquid diet for about 10 days (400-450 calories/day) and moved into "mushy foods" almost a week ago. I've had no problems with anything...
  5. M


    I'm so sorry! I'm in much the same spot - I had the surgery 9 days ago and expected to have lost more than I have so far - 9 lbs. I've been stalled since Monday. Intellectually I know that I shouldn't weigh myself daily, but I've invested a lot in this surgery being "the fix" for my weight...
  6. M


    Thank you! I wish I had the luxury of a 3-4 week recovery time, but alas, I do not. I'm trying to take it easy at home and sleep as much as I can. I had my one week checkup on Tuesday, and everything was good. I'm hoping to rest a lot over this holiday weekend....
  7. M


    That is awesome, Sharon! Good for you! I walked a mile yesterday with no trouble - I hope it bodes well moving forward...
  8. M


    That's good to hear. I went back to work today, and I'm exhausted. Had to take a nap in my car!
  9. M


    Just saying hello - had my surgery last Monday (6/24) - gastric sleeve. Feeling very tired and worn out but have lost 9 lbs so far. How long until the fatigue subsides?