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I’m nervous !

Hi, Carmen! 3mom is correct. The surgery is empowering. However, I was so freaked out beforehand that I considered leaving the hospital while waiting to get changed lol When you get nervous, try writing down why you're having the surgery to begin with. I found writing it down helped me get out of my own head.

I also had my surgery during a covid block, so spent my surgery and the days after without visitors. Turns out, that is very peaceful and gave me a chance to just focus on doing what I needed to do. Sip, sip, sip. Walk, walk, walk. Take a book or a TV series that you've been wanting to binge.

The surgery is truly life changing and SO worth it. You're going to be glad you did it.
I was so nervous, I even looked at my boyfriend the morning of and said “I’m going to cancel and go eat I don’t wanna do this” it’s definitely a struggle. Qi wasn’t nervous for the surgery itself but for after the surgery. I am 8 days post op, and it’s been good for the most part. I wrote down reasons why I wanted this, and could do this, and referenced back to it whenever I am discouraged or nervous. These past 8 days have been probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I know it’s all worth it.
Just starting this journey took courage & determination. You have had to do a lot to get to this point. Surgery is giving you the chance to live your best, healthier life.

It is perfectly normal to be nervous as you face any major change in your life, but once you are on the other side of surgery, you will be amazed at how wonderful you feel as the pounds start dropping off.

Imagine going through the grocery store and stopping at the pet aisle. Imagine picking up one or two of those BIG dog food bags and carrying it/them around the store WITHOUT a cart. Now picture setting the bag(s) down and walking around without them. That's how good it feels once the weight starts coming off. So worth it!!!

Good luck! ❤❤