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Surgery in one week

I am two weeks away from my surgery and I can honestly relate to how you are feeling although after my preop today I am somewhat relieved but yet still a lil scared about the anesthesia part as well so I am not sure what I can really offer you for advice but I can try and encourage you as I will for myself that I did have major second thoughts a couple days ago and I can tell you after some soul searching and some more thinking I realized that I am in this for a better life there is a BIGGER picture and the surgery itself is just one more hurdle I must jump to get to the other side Nerves are a part of who we are we are only human. I know none of this may help but I do encourage you to not give up to try to keep a positive outlook in spite of those nerves.. I was told today by my surgeon that if needed the day of surgery I can always ask for something to help me relax ( so there is a thought if that helps) I do wish you the best and hope you get through all your unsettling nerves. Welcome to group by the way there are lots that are supportive and encouraging as well as giving great advice.
Thank you so much for the encouragement, it is much appreciated. I know that this is something I need to do for myself to live a healthier and happier life. I think the nerves come from the surgery part. I am so excited to get the procedure done and begin what I am essentially looking at as a new life for myself. I have so many plans for my life that the excitement and positive aspects of the surgery at times does take over. Reading your response does help me feel better, not so alone in what I am going through. Like with most things the anticipation is what gets to me. Other than the weight I have always been healthy and had no issues so I probably shouldn't be as worried as I am about the anesthesia. I am very happy I found this group, I can use all the support I can get right now. Again, thank you so much for the words of encouragement!
@Renee7878ve you are welcome and you have made my day!!! I thank you it seems that we have somethings in common about being healthy other than the weight your whole life and about nerves with the surgery ( I think we are not alone when it comes to that there are many that experience that as well) .I do assure you as I have to assure myself that I am not alone in what we are going through what we think and how we feel. Continue to post and reply to post and you will see that there are so many that will support you and encourage you along the way of this incredible journey we are all on!!!
I am feeling a lot better about the surgery after reading some of the posts here. I will definitely be here regularly! Now that I am shopping and buying all the stuff I need it is getting real, lol, but I am now more excited than anything. I guess when facing anesthesia I look at all the unhealthy habits I have had so it all pops into my brain as putting me at risk. But you are right this is one hurdle in order to get me on my way to a happier and healthier life!
Renee, on September 22nd, 1979, I went into labor. Actually, it was at 1 a.m. on the 23rd, but I'd been having cramps all day. I was staying at my parent's house & my mom woke up with me. I was trying to go to the bathroom & nothing would come out. She wisely sat me down on a towel on the couch & asked me what I was feeling. It's so hard to describe it, but it was awful & seemed to take over every limb of my body and I felt like I was going to squish flat onto the floor. Then out came the mucus plug, & then the water. I didn't know what was happening because of all the billion pregnancy books I'd read, I'd never heard anything that sounded like this. My mom said, "Honey, you're in labor." I said, "No, I'm not. It can't be." But she'd given birth to 8 kids so I had to listen to her.

I called my estranged spouse to tell him I needed a ride to the hospital & he'd better get his sorry ass out of bed & get over here. Took two phone calls to truly rouse him. Then we got in his truck, which was a real challenge--the walking to it, the lifting my leg high enough to get in--and headed to the hospital.

Huge cramps started coming in waves. I didn't know I was already 6 centimeters dilated. So I said, "Wait, stop. Go back. I don't want to do this. I changed my mind. Take me home!" I was like that all the way to the hospital, insisting that I didn't need to go because I'd changed my mind about giving birth.

My beautiful boy Avery was born at 10:05 on September 23, 8 lbs, 9 oz, 22 1/2 inches long. He was so long the back of his neck was presenting instead of his forehead. He was 3 weeks overdue.

I had second thoughts, you could say, in spades, and nothing has ever been harder to do in my life than give birth to that wonderful person, but bariatric surgery? Piece of cake, baby. You might even be a little embarrassed at how much you feared it after it's all done. There's pain & nausea, but nothing worse than and episiotomy with 21 stitches & trying to keep my uterus from falling out for the next week, not to mention the staple gun chomp on my nipples when I nursed him the first few times.

And they didn't even give me some pain pills to take home with me!

So listen, kid. You are going to be fine. Let those 2nd thoughts wash over you but try to keep us all, your friends here who really care for you, in your thoughts. We did it & so can you. And look at the joy we all feel! It's almost as good as birthing a beautiful baby!
As both of u get ready for surgery i want u to keepin mind why u are having it done and then tell urself 'as i lay on that bed. I am trusting the doctors to het me through this.' And remind urself they are watching u the whole way tdmhe ppl is not in and out to check on others at that time u are their concern and they are taking care of u. I wish both of u guys luck
My beautiful boy Avery was born at 10:05 on September 23, 8 lbs, 9 oz, 22 1/2 inches long. He was so long the back of his neck was presenting instead of his forehead. He was 3 weeks overdue.

p.s. I wrapped his 40th birthday present last night! Bought him a Go game. Used to be the national game of Japan. He works at a Japanese garden in Seattle & many Japanese elders volunteer there to keep the bonsai trimmed & take care of the carp. I'll bet they also play Go there in the shadows of the lace-leaf maple trees. So I hope he gets the chance to take his game to the gardens, meet some old wizened Japanese, & learn to fight imaginary battles with little black & white pebbles. I only play Go Moku, which is the same as some Parker Brothers game where you try to get five holes occupied in a row before your opponent can stop you. Can't remember the name. But it came from the concept of Go Moku, "Five stones."
Renee and Ray I am 8 days post op and feeling strong and positive of my decision. I had a bout of colitis that put me in the er two months before scheduled surgery. Never had colitis before in my life. Bariatric dr said i now needed a colonoscopy and be cleared before the surgery could be done. The gi drs were booked three months out. With lots of finagling my bariatric dr got me scheduled 3 days before surgery. I had to do a super flush during the 3 week pre opt diet, get the colonoscopy and then was cleared for surgery. What a week. I know it is a concern for you but in my case the anesthesia was not an issue at all. My anxiety was waking up all out of it and nauseous. Your asleep before you know it and I was awake and taking walks with no nausea after. You will be in good hands with many professionals monitoring your condition. Good luck and Stay positive.
@Mark Felten Thanks for that info very helpful glad that you are doing good. I can say 10 days away and counting them down the closer I get to my surgery date the more my nervous kick in I am however excited for the future and I try to rest assure myself that I will make it through to the other side I know that there will be the experienced professional monitoring me but I cant help it still nervous which I try to stay away from the negative thoughts they tend to creep in once in a while.
@Renee7878 I am sorry to hear about your delayed surgery but as my grandmother always says everything happens for a reason so it good that you have a new date I sure hope you heal soon its better to be healthy for surgery than not!
All this support is so amazing and much appreciated, it has helped me get past the re surgery jiggers. Although I was rescheduled doe to an upper respiratory infection, disappointing but I am on the calendar for a Sept 30 surgery, fingers crossed I can stay healthy until then!

Well take this time to prepare more. Dont go to far from the diet and keep ur head up. U will get to that day and i will be here to cheer u on.
@Mark Felten Thanks for that info very helpful glad that you are doing good. I can say 10 days away and counting them down the closer I get to my surgery date the more my nervous kick in I am however excited for the future and I try to rest assure myself that I will make it through to the other side I know that there will be the experienced professional monitoring me but I cant help it still nervous which I try to stay away from the negative thoughts they tend to creep in once in a while.
@Renee7878 I am sorry to hear about your delayed surgery but as my grandmother always says everything happens for a reason so it good that you have a new date I sure hope you heal soon its better to be healthy for surgery than not!

U will go through this surgery and join us when u wake up. There is always a complication or another with opereations. But come on u are doing this for a better and healthier life.
@MamaBearOf4 its always assuring that I have your words of encouragement thank you so much its always helpful knowing that you and others have already been there and done that and yes I am doing this for a better me and a better life

Keep your head in the game. U will be so much happier with this. Depresaion has not hit me for this or anything else. If u need to talk just let me know. I will help u with anything i can
Having sleeve surgery in one week and I'm starting to get really nervous and have second thoughts. I am most nervous about the anesthesia and not the recovery.
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I know how ya feel. I'm having the full rue n y procedure in 1 week. I never had surgery before. But I too must agree that You need to look at the big overall picture. What a better healthier life you will have.
Don't worry. You will be fine. Can't wait to hear from you post op.