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My Surgery Day Experience

It was suggested to me that I share my account of surgery day here. This was my experience:

Monday March 11, 2019
  • 4am – Woke but never really slept, way too nervous/excited.
  • Showered with a surgical sponge/medical soap that was provided at the pre-op appointment.
  • 6am – Checked into the hospital. Feeling: Anxious and really thirsty, nothing to drink since midnight.
  • Taken back to pre-op area, changed into gown, vitals taken & hooked up to my IV (hand).
  • Sister & niece were brought back to hang out with me in the pre-op area.
  • Anesthesiologist came in to introduce himself, explain his plan, & have me sign paperwork. I asked if I could have something for my anxiety. No problem. It was put into my IV by a nurse moments later. Feeling: I was now calm.
  • Surgeon came in to check in/answer any last minute questions. She met my sister and took her cell number to call once I was in recovery.
  • Someone came in to roll me to the O.R. My sister & niece said goodbye, took my overnight bag with them. Feeling: Strange being wheeled around the hospital on a bed.
  • Got to the O.R. & I saw a few people in there getting things ready. A nurse put a mask on me and told me that I would do great.
  • Once under, a catheter was put in.
  • Flash forward – woke up in a recovery area. Lots of belly pain & it radiated through to my back/shoulders. Nurse was next to me watching vitals and administering pain meds. He stayed right next to me for a while.
  • Once pain was tolerable, I would drift in and out of sleep. Couldn't tell if I was out for a minute or an hour each time.
  • Surgeon came to tell me everything went well.
  • Catheter was removed. Feeling: Still really thirsty.
  • Someone came to bring me to my room. On our way, my sister met up with us and came along. Feeling: Happy to see someone I love.
  • Nurses helped me get from one bed to another. Was hooked up to a machine to dispense pain meds & shown how to use it.
  • Asked about a drink but unfortunately, not until morning. Was given mint-flavored sponge swabs that I could dip into water and wet my mouth/tongue.
  • Sister left, nurses checked in every few minutes.
  • Had to pee so was assisted to bathroom. Told that while there, I had to go into this potty-thingy so they could measure my urine output.
Tuesday March 12, 2019
  • Midnight and can’t sleep. Decided to try a couple laps around the ward. Nurse helped me up and showed me how to disconnect to take my IV with me.
  • Continued pushing button for pain meds about every 20-30 minutes.
  • 3am – another few laps around the ward. Nurses joked with me since I’m the only one up (more laps at 6am, 10am, 1pm & 4pm).
  • Between 8-9am – tray with water was brought in. Ecstatic about water, ignored the rest. Took a small sip but still felt it. Continued taking tiny sips every few minutes all day. Requested ice-chips too. Went through a few cups of those.
  • Noon-ish – Nurse from my surgeon’s office & nutritionist came to check on me. I was on track and asked if I could be released today. They’d let my surgeon know & she’d be there to see me after her appointments. Feeling: Hopeful.
  • Around that time, was switched over to oral pain meds. Nurse cut in half so easier to swallow.
  • 5:20pm – Surgeon came & OK’d my discharge. Feeling: couldn’t wait to get home.
  • Nurse came in to review discharge instructions and the meds to be picked up.
  • 6pm – Sister arrived to take me home. IV was removed.
  • Stopped at pharmacy and got home about 38 hours after I left the previous morning. Feeling: So happy to be home, let the healing begin!
First release
Last update
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