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Hi Again!


Hi All,
I have been away from this site for some time. I've been very busy with work,home etc. But I wanted to share.
For those who don't know I have revision from lapband to bypass due to acid, esophageal ulcers etc in May 2022.
As of today, I have lost a total of 92 pounds. I have gone from size 24/26 shirts, size 20/22/24 jeans and XXL/XXL stretch pants to a size 10, some 9s and 1 pr of 8!! Lol my shirts are now a medium and my bra size has even changed to a 38B was a 42C
I love how I feel healthwise. It has made a difference in healing my knee replacement done Nov 2022. I'm not running lol don't think I ever will but I certainly am getting more done, am less tired when doing things and am more likely to say yes rather than hesitating to think will I look ridiculous even trying :)
This was the right decision for me. I highly recommend going through with it if you are on the fence. As with everything there was some pain in the beginning, some frustration, but once you are past the first couple of months you will see how much better you will feel.
So much to learn, how, what and when to eat. How much? I'm still learning infact.
But if you look at this as that 2nd chance to get it right and make the changes needed and don't fall back on bad habits you will do it.
Maybe it's easier said than done just 1 year 6months post op but man I'm loving my new self! Sometimes I don't recognize myself.
I'm even shopping in regular size area! That was a hard thing to do, didn't think it would be something I would think about but when I couldn't find my size in plus I looked across the store, it looked so far away and hesitated thinking I would be laughed at for coming there. I know that's ridiculous but it happened. Well anxiety in hand off I went and no one laughed or told me "hey plus girl are you serious"
I guess I didn't realize the psychological impact this would have on me either
Thank you for sharing! I really appreciate it and totally understand the clothing scenario too. i had bypass surgery 8/2/23. I have lost 47 lbs total this year and i went from 2X tops 22W jeans, to L tops and XL or L stretch bottoms so far. I had to return an L A-line tunic I ordered for a M and it felt so gratifying. I don't know how clothes should look on me, I debate about whether it should have more drape or be skin-tight or somewhere in between, but I am enjoying watching how things look different on my new figure as it gets smaller and there is a learning curve there too. I have a good friend walk into my small group classroom on Wed night say, "Where is she, has anyone seen her?" and my other friend said, "I know she is disappearing before our eyes." they are so encouraging and supportive cheering me on.
Shopping in the beginning was actually hell. My style didn't work on my new body. My underwear brand didn't make my new size, which caused an existential crisis lol but for real. I was truly distraught. I wore all black for like 6 months, even tho I love color. I just could not figure out what worked for my new shape. I must've tried on thousands of outfits. Now, I just go for comfort lol
Thank you for sharing! I really appreciate it and totally understand the clothing scenario too. i had bypass surgery 8/2/23. I have lost 47 lbs total this year and i went from 2X tops 22W jeans, to L tops and XL or L stretch bottoms so far. I had to return an L A-line tunic I ordered for a M and it felt so gratifying. I don't know how clothes should look on me, I debate about whether it should have more drape or be skin-tight or somewhere in between, but I am enjoying watching how things look different on my new figure as it gets smaller and there is a learning curve there too. I have a good friend walk into my small group classroom on Wed night say, "Where is she, has anyone seen her?" and my other friend said, "I know she is disappearing before our eyes." they are so encouraging and supportive cheering me on.
Love this congrats!
Shopping in the beginning was actually hell. My style didn't work on my new body. My underwear brand didn't make my new size, which caused an existential crisis lol but for real. I was truly distraught. I wore all black for like 6 months, even tho I love color. I just could not figure out what worked for my new shape. I must've tried on thousands of outfits. Now, I just go for comfort lol
Totally get it! I infact wore black, gray, dark green and dark burgundy for most of my adult life.
You will now find me in yellow, pink, light blue, peach lol. I've tried to hide all my life, now I'm Fred! 97 pounds down as of this week!
Well it seems my body has settled on a weight range of 147-149. I can't seem to hit that 100lb off. So 97lb is where it's at for me. I'm ok with it. However, the former Anorexic me is struggling.
I'm eating and enjoying what I'm eating. But I am finding it very hard to get my water in, flavors and all. Since the cold weather is here.
I am thinking of getting some unflavored protein powder and drinking low sodium broth with it. Or maybe just the broth. Also thinking of making up a batch of protein milk to add to tea or hot chocolate since I don't want to drink so much coffee which is not on the hydration list.
I'm also forgetting to take my vitamins. Bad habits! I've got to get back on track. Since the holidays I've been off target. I guess the stress and busyness (is that a word lol)
I find I'm getting hungry more now, but it's really probably thirst. I've got to start thinking.

So I think my weight will stick to what my end goal always was 150 ( a little under is good, a little over nope won't let that happen)
My clothing size fluctuates between shirt sizes medium and large. I guess it depends on the brand. And my pants between size 8 and 10. I'm leaning more toward size 10 for comfort. But my Anorexic self likes the 8's and gets very nervous when they are too tight.

So I guess I have found my new me!
I did it! Reached my ultimate goal! 100 pounds off! Actually it's 103 but I did it! It will be 2 years in May and I could not be more thrilled.
My barbaric team is thrilled. I don't have to see them now for 1 year. The dietician still wants to see me every 4 months for bloodwork and I have to see my primary for some issues in my CBC! Confirmed I am b12 deficient, supplement is being taken, d3 deficient, supplements being taken, mildly anemic, iron supplement added.
But I feel good, went bike riding yesterday, was painful at first with my new knee but I didn't give up, I pushed through, and did it. Hubby said the more I do it the easier it will get. I did crash into the fence near the water, I think I got too calm looking and smelling and listening to the waves hahaha.
I also crashed into a picnic table and sat there hysterical laughing because I couldn't believe I allowed hubby to convince me to ride between the 2. We just sat there laughing and laughing! Yes I have a black and blue. But it was fun, I was nervous, and wobbly but remember since my accident and knee surgery it's been like 5 years since I've done anything strenuous.
Yay me! No balloons but I made it and now I'm going to keep a watch but it's no longer about can I lose more, it's about learning to live as the new me (which many people are not too thrilled with, but that's OK.

Have a great St.Pattys everyone!
Good luck on that ONE pound lol you can do it!!!!
Hi Missy I did plus! I'm currently at 106 pounds off! Medium to small on my shirts pants are loose 8, snug 6 and even a tight 4! What who is this new person!! She actually eats! And still maintains under 150!
I will say when my mom is in for appointments I always gain a few pounds. After she leaves I lose it again within a week!