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Starting to feel real now

Hello all, checking in! I'm on day 4 of the 2 week clear liquid plus 4-5 protein shakes. Yesterday was the hardest so far, today I woke up feeling better. The only concession is that I asked to substitute one protein shake for one cup of milk, I put a half cup of milk in my decaf coffee and I have 2 in the morning. I just keep thinking my liver better be straight *&^% dainty after this.
I kept wanting to ask if I could have a tiny portion of food on Christmas day, the RN who did our class said that several of the surgeons were allowing that, but now that I feel better I don't want to start that process over again, I'll just stick with what I"m doing. No need to suffer any more than I have to.
It feels like time is simultaneously flying by and standing still. It's so weird, and the next 10 days feel miles away and yet 10 days til surgery is crazy.
How are you Truffleshuffle, Ucbear, and Epril?
Today starts my sixth day preop. It's going ok. So, I'm grateful I am allowed to eat. However, Christmas treats are calling my freaking name lol. It's like heyyyy girl, why you ignoring me. Ik it's in my head but oof. I swear while my family is eating thier glorious yummy food I'm going to be watching them and trying to make them uncomfortable. Maybe drool here and there lmao. Jk jk...maybe
Lily you are rocking this preop girl! I am proud of you. You have amazing will power! You are going to do great on your WLS journey.
I agree with you, surgery day is coming up fast! I go on the 27th to do my P.A.T. I am getting more nervous as the days go by. I even dreamed of backing out of it on Surgery day. I'm not cause I went through 6 months of tests and educational classes and all that good stuff to be where I'm at and I'll be damned if it was for nothing lol.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!


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Today starts my sixth day preop. It's going ok. So, I'm grateful I am allowed to eat. However, Christmas treats are calling my freaking name lol. It's like heyyyy girl, why you ignoring me. Ik it's in my head but oof. I swear while my family is eating thier glorious yummy food I'm going to be watching them and trying to make them uncomfortable. Maybe drool here and there lmao. Jk jk...maybe
Lily you are rocking this preop girl! I am proud of you. You have amazing will power! You are going to do great on your WLS journey.
I agree with you, surgery day is coming up fast! I go on the 27th to do my P.A.T. I am getting more nervous as the days go by. I even dreamed of backing out of it on Surgery day. I'm not cause I went through 6 months of tests and educational classes and all that good stuff to be where I'm at and I'll be damned if it was for nothing lol.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!
LOl, last night I dreamt that I was eating and I was so sad, when I woke up I was so happy I hadn't messed up. Starting yesterday I've been feeling better, today was pretty good too. I now feel like something is off, and I get lightheaded quite a bit, but it's not so awful. I've even been able to keep exercising, just cut my hour swim in half and lowered intensity, same with walking. I'm surprised by how energetic I actually feel.
I hear you on the treats, definitely taunting jerks. I had chicken broth and jello while they ate christmas dinner, and it was not terrible. No idea how that's possible.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas, I'm sure you'll be just fine.
I'm having gastric sleeve surgery on January 10. I'm nervous about the anesthesia since a non-related surgery was hard to recover from due to the anesthesia. I'm sure this is the right decision, I'm 58 and have CHF, CKD, anemia, high bp. mild depression and an eating disorder. I've waited almost 2 years to get approved for this surgery. I'm concerned about how I will manage myself emotionally without food. I know I will need massive amounts of support. I hope I will be so pleased with the surgery that I will continue to use it as a tool. This surgery will make kidney transplant surgery easier if I am ever offered a kidney. Lots to think about. This is not at all an easy fix!
I'm excited I found someone with the same date and procedure as me. You got this and the chat is here for you. I'm a newbie myself and I've had many thoughts about not doing this. I'm borderline too many genetic ailments to discuss but I know it's to better myself in the long run to be around for my children and eventually their children.
So, these are things I wish I knew before hand. I am not sure if all of this is normal for everyone but for me: My sense of smell was heightened and I could not tolerate certain things, my dogs dehydrated food, the smell of my hand soap, things like that. My sense of taste was way off, food did not taste the way it did before. I have never had my mouth be so dry in my life. No amount of water (and you can't drink much) would help. Popsicles, ice chips, and sugar free life savers were the only thing that would help, and it was extremely temporary. Google is my best friend, I have found so many awesome recipes, and discovered that a lot of the foods I make only needed an ingredient swap or two. Best of luck, you all will do great.
Is it normal to feel emotional right now? Today is day 10 of the clear liquids and I feel so run down and weepy. I know why I feel so run down, it isn't frightening, it isn't unexpected, but it feels so strange to not want to swim or walk or even stand at the stove to make jello. I know it's temporary, I know that I have the support. All I want to do is lay in bed. Maybe a good cry will make me feel better.
It is totally natural to eat when stressed or before starting a restrictive diet. We have all been on the weightloss roller coaster. I love everything I am reading on this thread. The three of you will be so influential and inspirational for each other if you keep in touch here and share your journeys. My two cents is: really hone your tracking, timing, measuring, habit-forming skills during the diet phases to teach you how to eat for life. It truly sets you up for long-term success when you relax into the new rhythm of how your eating habits will now be. My message of hope: pre-surgery is the hardest phase because you have the same anatomy, the same hormones that have made it hard to lose weight in the past. However, post-surgery you will have a cute little stomach pouch that will help you feel full sooner and more obviously to prevent overeating, the healing period also makes it uncomfortable to overeat, so the weight just melts off for immediate results. If you focus on nutrition from your medical team you will stay healthy as you lose the weight. I only wish I had made this decision sooner.
I agree, and want to stress the tracking aspect here. One thing that drives an eating disorder is dishonesty. We lie to each other about what we eat, how big a bite we take, when we eat, how powerful its effect is, etc. Get a simple little journal,, just a flat book with 50 pages or so that fits in your pocket, and write down every crumb. Go to the FDA website to find nutritional breakdowns in foods and you may be shocked by what you find there. I think it's better to start by tracking rather than try to eat less. The more you know, the more natural control you'll have.
I agree, and want to stress the tracking aspect here. One thing that drives an eating disorder is dishonesty. We lie to each other about what we eat, how big a bite we take, when we eat, how powerful its effect is, etc. Get a simple little journal,, just a flat book with 50 pages or so that fits in your pocket, and write down every crumb. Go to the FDA website to find nutritional breakdowns in foods and you may be shocked by what you find there. I think it's better to start by tracking rather than try to eat less. The more you know, the more natural control you'll have.
Agreed, I know I've lied to myself about how much I ate, recently I started taking pictures of my plates to be more realistic with myself. I'll keep tracking, I'm even tracking on my clear liquid diet. I don't know why but it makes me feel like a willing participant rather than just doing as I was told.
I'll get a call tomorrow to tell me when to arrive and what time my surgery will be on Wednesday morning. I think I can get through the liquid diet for 2 more days! We start pureed protein the day after surgery and continue for 2 weeks, I can't wait to lick greek yogurt from the back of the spoon! :p
I'll be getting my call tomorrow as well and they will confirm my time(7am) and what meds I can take. I bet you are excited to be able to go to pureed foods . You did so well on your liquid diet. I will be on clear liquid 1st 2 days post op, start full liquids 3rd day and after my first post op appointment (which will be on the 11th) I'll be able to go to pureed. I'm super nervous but still excited.

Wishing you nothing but good luck and problem free recovery!
I'll be getting my call tomorrow as well and they will confirm my time(7am) and what meds I can take. I bet you are excited to be able to go to pureed foods . You did so well on your liquid diet. I will be on clear liquid 1st 2 days post op, start full liquids 3rd day and after my first post op appointment (which will be on the 11th) I'll be able to go to pureed. I'm super nervous but still excited.

Wishing you nothing but good luck and problem free recovery!
9am arrival, hoping I can sleep tonight!
Oh boy. I made it through surgery. Threw up a few times. Pain meds are my friends lol. Iv drank like 3oz since being awake. Still have to walk but I have been getting up to use the bathroom. K8nd of groggy as well
I just walked around the ward floor. It really does feel like I did a thousand crunches. That's what this sorness feels like. They brought me lemonade, tea and chicken broth. I only wanted water tho. Felt like a set up lmao. They told me only little bit of water after then next day, can start the real clear liquid diet. The nurses and my doc are amazing. I feel Like a vip. Look at this room! Thought I'd be sharing


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I just walked around the ward floor. It really does feel like I did a thousand crunches. That's what this sorness feels like. They brought me lemonade, tea and chicken broth. I only wanted water tho. Felt like a set up lmao. They told me only little bit of water after then next day, can start the real clear liquid diet. The nurses and my doc are amazing. I feel Like a vip. Look at this room! Thought I'd be sharing
It won't let me upload the others lol. Files too large