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I've tried two protein waters and hated them both. The premier and Isopure. The flavors were so gross. I wanted to try the protein20 but was worried it would be gross too. Is there any where I can order one bottle at a time instead of a case. My Wal-Mart only has the energy one with caffeine.
Anyone have suggestions on protein shakes that are more of a juice or clear as apposed to milky?
I really like these but they have like 20 flavors so you have to see which one you like. I like the peach mango myself. Good luck on your journey.


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Just because something is gross to you doesnt mean it is for everyone. I thought they were good. Find something that works for you and stop trying to discourage/sabotage someone else's weight loss journey, stop being a negative Nancy. This platform does not need it. I wish you the best of luck.
I wasn't trying to discourage or sabotage anyone. I'm sorry it sounded like that. I was really hoping I could tolerate the protein water. I'm struggling with the protein shakes and I'm an extremely picky eater. I'm afraid of failing because a lot of the good for you food does not taste good to me and I'm scared. Do you know where to get the protein20 in a smaller pack then 12. I've read where quite a few people like it and I want to try it. I really didn't mean to be a negative nancy, I think it's the fear. I'll try to be better.
I really didn't mean to be a negative nancy, I think it's the fear. I'll try to be better.

Your post was fine. This is a support group, not a critique forum where only so-called expert opinions are shared. I'm sure many people share your opinion, and for those who haven't yet tasted one of many brands of protein water, every opinion counts.

I reported the truly negative post to the forum organizers, as is encouraged in the guidelines. Please don't stop sharing your opinion. These oppressive sorts of comments are woven into the fabric of discouragement and shaming that got us here in the first place. However, we're not moderated and it's good to accept that not everyone will just be supportive, even if they don't share your opinion. No one's voice is more important than anyone else's.

You're fine. Please believe me. I've been a member of this group for 14 years and your voice is appreciated.