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3 years post-op regain after 130 lb loss


I’m not sure what to do. I’m still eating small portions, no sugar, water with 0 calorie water enhancer, coffee with stevia, sugar free creamer and coconut milk, no bread, no pasta, no corn. I did start allowing myself some popcorn. But, I have regained 70 lbs. I have stopped eating the popcorn and gone back to 2 protein shakes to replace 2 meals and a protein for the third meal. My snacks are sugar free jello and cottage cheese with puréed fruit. I’m also having 1 cup of homemade vegetable and bean soup that’s mostly no liquid since I make it in a crockpot. I’m feeling so mad at myself for doing so well losing the weight only to gain over half of it back. I just want to cry all of the time. Help! I don’t know what to do.
Hi, Susan. I am sorry to hear you are having such a hard time. Start tracking and measuring your food again. I know for sure that even after 18 months, if I grab what I believe to be an ounce of almonds, it's almost always 1.2 or 1.3oz. So, I have found that my eyes still cannot measure a serving properly. And if you eat an extra 20% or 30% it can really add up really fast.

It feels awful to have put in all that work, only to still have issues. But you know that you have to go back to the basics. I have to be honest; I am not in love with a no carb/keto diet/lifestyle. I did Atkins several times pre-surgery and it absolutely works .. right up until you eat a carb. I once gained 7lbs over an evening of pasta and a dessert. I'd rather eat pasta occasionally and just make sure I'm eating a reasonable amount than restrict myself for life.

It's good that you found us and are making the changes needed to get back on track.
Hi Susan, I am over 18 months out and hit a regain so I share your feelings. I am working hard to correct that and yes it does take an effort. One thing I know is that mindset is a huge component. I feel like I am in that place now but it was a struggle getting that back. The serenity prayer helps me a lot. I can not change the fact that I have regained but I can find the strength to get back on the right path to lose it again. My tool still works, I have to learn to listen to it better. One day at a time, and keep visualizing your goal. You can do this!
Hi Susan. I’m 2.5 years out and started to gain. I went back to weighing/tracking my food, eating less than 25g of carbs per day, making sure I take my vitamins and drinking a lot of water. I also try to get in 10k steps per day. This is working for me and when I step on the scale every week, even an extremely small loss gives me the encouragement to keep it going. Hope this helps!