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7 weeks post op still on liquid Some to little purée Please HELP


Hi I am almost 7 weeks post op. Lost 25 lbs on my 3rd week visit to the surgeon. Was admitted for hydration 2xs 1 week post op 1 time 2 weeks post op 1 time 3 weeks post op then again 5 weeks post op. Had X-rays done found I’m constipated. Suppositories and clear liquid scripts did not work. I am in a lot of pain and dropping weight too fast. Can only get 1 protein shake in a day down if I’m lucky and 10-24 ounces of water differs daily. Don’t like yogurt oatmeal or cottage cheese. Don’t know what else to do. Nutritionist is basically saying “force and push yourself or we will have to get nutrients into your pouch through a tube”. I have been crying and don’t know what to do. When I attempt eating, even in the puréed stage, I have instant pain in the center of my chest. Then to the left on my side. This is where food tends to get stuck and has been with me. Also it’s been 6 days since a bowl movement. I do not want a tube down my throat. Any suggestions on healthy puréed foods? I tried tuna, canned chicken, salmon ect. And they have all found their way back up. I am scared to eat anything at this point.
So sorry you are having problems. Have you tried pureeing soups? Can you eat scrambled eggs? Applesauce and add some protein powder? Cheese? Mashed white or sweet potatoes? Anything you can think of that you can add some unflavored protein powder.
My goodness, what a horrible experience you are having. Ask them about Linzess (get samples, it's expensive) for the constipation.
For the Puree phase, I did mostly veggies. I know that they don't have much protein but I do not like pureed meat. You can add unflavored protein powder to anything to bump it up. Also, look on here for Diane's Magic Milk recipe if you cannot stomach protein shakes. It's just milk with powdered milk added so you get double the protein. Fairlife also makes an ultra filtered, lactose free, high protein milk. Both of these things can give you a nice boost to soups, puddings, etc. Which is the types of foods I would suggest you try to stick to, IF you can stomach them.
If you CANNOT, call your surgeon again. You might have some pain when eating for awhile. That's natural. However, if it is unbearable and you cannot keep food down, they need to be doing tests to see what the problem is, not suggesting you force yourself to be ill.
I really hope that you feel better soon.
So sorry you are having problems. Have you tried pureeing soups? Can you eat scrambled eggs? Applesauce and add some protein powder? Cheese? Mashed white or sweet potatoes? Anything you can think of that you can add some unflavored protein powder.
I am able to take down broth, puréed soups are harder. But I sit with a bowl for hours reheating it about 10 times. Can’t do eggs I’ve tried. Nutritionist told me Friday not to waste my nutrients on potatoes (umm confusing when the diet says I can try) they are worried I am depleting my nutrients so fast as I can barley walk up the stairs, I am bruising so easily, and can’t sleep from the sharp pain.
My goodness, what a horrible experience you are having. Ask them about Linzess (get samples, it's expensive) for the constipation.
For the Puree phase, I did mostly veggies. I know that they don't have much protein but I do not like pureed meat. You can add unflavored protein powder to anything to bump it up. Also, look on here for Diane's Magic Milk recipe if you cannot stomach protein shakes. It's just milk with powdered milk added so you get double the protein. Fairlife also makes an ultra filtered, lactose free, high protein milk. Both of these things can give you a nice boost to soups, puddings, etc. Which is the types of foods I would suggest you try to stick to, IF you can stomach them.
If you CANNOT, call your surgeon again. You might have some pain when eating for awhile. That's natural. However, if it is unbearable and you cannot keep food down, they need to be doing tests to see what the problem is, not suggesting you force yourself to be ill.
I really hope that you feel better soon.
I can’t think of saint anything puréed but I have tried it all. What I find weird is how they told me to stay away from fiberous foods (veggies) which I feel will help with the constipation but they mentioned it fills you up with air and gas so I guess I get it. I tried fairlife. I’ll have to look up the Diane’s Magic Milk as you suggested and give that a shot. I am willing to do ANYTHING. I am going to call my surgeon Monday and PCP and ask for the script samples. I’ve had X-rays and an upper GI scan with the white liquids and thankfully everything is healed and there are no leaks etc. I’m grateful for that. It’s crazy because even when I take the stool softener pill I can feel the pain of my intestines digesting it when it gets to the left side. I did finally get cleared to start all my vitamins. Just afraid to experience all that pain now. It’s getting to the point I am becoming afraid of eating.
I am able to take down broth, puréed soups are harder. But I sit with a bowl for hours reheating it about 10 times. Can’t do eggs I’ve tried. Nutritionist told me Friday not to waste my nutrients on potatoes (umm confusing when the diet says I can try) they are worried I am depleting my nutrients so fast as I can barley walk up the stairs, I am bruising so easily, and can’t sleep from the sharp pain.
I wonder if you could mix the unflavored protein powder in with mashed potatoes. I've never tried it but it would bump up the nutrition.
I have and still am. But I’m 7 weeks post op today. I was admitted for hydration so I’m no help. I have also tried all the mentioned supplements to help. If you scroll up, a lot of suggestions were made. I hope one helps you.
Fiber laxative with a glass of water after, and drinking water after that until you can't stand anymore.
Thanks to you posting now & previously about your constipation experience (WOW) I already have purchased my big bottle of Benefiber. Woohoo between getting stopped up, hair loss, & nonstop runny nose I can't wait to find out what weird things my body's gonna do post-surgery. :rolleyes:
For the record, my hair stopped falling out about six months after it started. And I know all these events may sound scary to newcomers, but in the years I've been part of this group, only once has anyone written about regretting doing it.

The real difficulty, for many of us, is grieving the loss of the pig-out lifestyle. I still fantasize about episodes of bingeing, sometimes purging. It's really a loss, like death, and many people don't feel happier thin than they did, swimming around in a size 22 formless smock.

Before I lost the weight, I wouldn't allow family to take photos of me. I had too many moments of mean siblings making jokes about me. And I know it's spiteful, but I made sure to flaunt it in front of the most cruel. They were so stubborn and determined, only two of my 7 siblings expressed amazement at my weight loss.


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For the record, my hair stopped falling out about six months after it started. And I know all these events may sound scary to newcomers, but in the years I've been part of this group, only once has anyone written about regretting doing it.

The real difficulty, for many of us, is grieving the loss of the pig-out lifestyle. I still fantasize about episodes of bingeing, sometimes purging. It's really a loss, like death, and many people don't feel happier thin than they did, swimming around in a size 22 formless smock.

Before I lost the weight, I wouldn't allow family to take photos of me. I had too many moments of mean siblings making jokes about me. And I know it's spiteful, but I made sure to flaunt it in front of the most cruel. They were so stubborn and determined, only two of my 7 siblings expressed amazement at my weight loss.
Thank you for posting your struggles, triumphs, valuable advice, etc. You are so courageous by sharing yourself with the rest of us who are struggling with our weight & all of the related issues. I def HATE having my picture taken. Hopefully not so much down the road. BTW You look amazing!
For the record, my hair stopped falling out about six months after it started. And I know all these events may sound scary to newcomers, but in the years I've been part of this group, only once has anyone written about regretting doing it.

The real difficulty, for many of us, is grieving the loss of the pig-out lifestyle. I still fantasize about episodes of bingeing, sometimes purging. It's really a loss, like death, and many people don't feel happier thin than they did, swimming around in a size 22 formless smock.

Before I lost the weight, I wouldn't allow family to take photos of me. I had too many moments of mean siblings making jokes about me. And I know it's spiteful, but I made sure to flaunt it in front of the most cruel. They were so stubborn and determined, only two of my 7 siblings expressed amazement at my weight loss.
Nice pictures Diane’
Thank you! I posted them to show that before and after is REAL. I can't find the most recent photo I've posted, but when I do, I'll add it. I'd take one now but I'm a mess, dirty and sweaty from household spring cleaning. Still very happy with my weight loss, though i gained 10 in the last few months from isolating. Even vaccinated, I'm scared of leaving my house!
Thank you! I posted them to show that before and after is REAL. I can't find the most recent photo I've posted, but when I do, I'll add it. I'd take one now but I'm a mess, dirty and sweaty from household spring cleaning. Still very happy with my weight loss, though i gained 10 in the last few months from isolating. Even vaccinated, I'm scared of leaving my house!
Good for you Diane on the spring cleaning!
Thank you! I posted them to show that before and after is REAL. I can't find the most recent photo I've posted, but when I do, I'll add it. I'd take one now but I'm a mess, dirty and sweaty from household spring cleaning. Still very happy with my weight loss, though i gained 10 in the last few months from isolating. Even vaccinated, I'm scared of leaving my house!
I hope you can get past the fear of leaving your house. I keep thinking of you up on those mountain trails. I feel comfortable telling you it's ok to leave, I have been coming to work every day during the pandemic so I had to get over it real quick. I know you have antibodies after vaccination. I am tested once a month for vaccine response (research study volunteer), we are safe we can fight off the nasty virus and IF for some reason you contracted something (a weird variant) it should not end up in a hospitalization. They are saying the variants are covered by the Pfizer and Moderna, we can only hope so.
I do go out mask less and it is FREEING!!! I truly don't feel fear. If someone is sick or coughing I would avoid them, but I don't see that out and about. As far as those asymptomatic spreaders, I am not really going for it. They have some symptoms, they just don't admit it.
Admittedly I am not sure about saying to get back to the Y but you said you love it so, maybe just go at an off time. I have always been paranoid about working out in a public place, generally germy.
A hike would knock out those 10lbs post haste; the trails await you and it is spring in your area (?).
Here's to hoping the fear goes away and leaves you in peace.
I'm fully vaccinated too and slowly getting used to going maskless outdoors, but with so many around here not getting vaccinated, I'm still very afraid of indoor dining and esp going to any bars where people get up in your face laughing, salivating, yuck I just don't know how I'll ever be comfortable being maskless indoors <sigh>