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And im back..... finally


I finally had my surgery on July 24, 2012. It went well except for a few complications. After the surgery was done they had me walking and stuff which is normal. That night after surgery my blood pressure dropped to 70/40 and lower. It stayed that low for a few days and just as they were going to let me go home I started having chest pain. They did a Ct scan and they found out that I had two partially collapsed lungs and both lungs had fluid on them. Finally I was released from the hospital late that Thursday evening. I was doing all the exercises they told me to do and was still walking and I did OK Friday. That Saturday morning I woke up with a hi fever and spent the day in the er and found out that I had two infected lungs. Yeah for me. After that my 30 pound baby girl decided to jump in the middle of my tummy because we were watching the men's swimming part of the Olympics and I guess I looked like the softest thing to practice on. She ended up taring a few outer incisions. Now I am slowly getting better and it has been 2 weeks since the surgery. I can still only drink an oz at a time and am still on clear liquids because my body doesn't handle full liquid yet. I am down to 223 now but I have hit a plato some how :( Any suggestions? Oh and because of the antibiotics I got thrush in my mouth and now that the antibiotics are over the chest pain and cough are back. I know after all of this is over it will be worth it but it sure is hard right now.
Hi Lizzie, Wow! You have had a rough go of it so far, I certainly hope that will be the end of bronchual issues, your down 80 lbs since the begining of your journey, thats wonderfull:D, don't worry about a little plateau right now and focus on getting your strength back from all the complications, however plateaus are normal and it is just your body trying to catch up with itself. Hang in there. :cool: Tom
LIZZIE-So sorry to hear about your hard times. It sounds like you still need to follow up with your doctor until your chest pain and cough are taken care of. Please make sure to make an appointment to follow up on this. You have lost an incredible amount of weight, this could be why your weight loss has slowed down. Our bodies will kick into a survival mode and lower our metabolism in order to keep us from losing muscle and organ weight. This is probably what is happening right now but it will pass as soon as you are able to maintain the meal plans that are standard for bariatric surgery patients. Make sure to keep hydrated by sipping small amounts of fluids all day long. If you are able to drink low carb protein shakes you should, it will help you heal and also each ounce counts towards your daily fluid goal. Good luck and make sure you let us know how you are doing.
Than you both for your encouragement. I went back to the dr today and had to have a stronger antibiotic. Hopefully I get better now. Oh and when I weighed at drs today I weighed 220!