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Before and after Pictures


I looked at these pictures I took them on my birthday last week. I look at them confused because it doesn't feel like me it doesn't look like but it's me!


  • White dress before and after .jpg
    White dress before and after .jpg
    650.2 KB · Views: 172
  • Italy before and after .jpg
    Italy before and after .jpg
    701.3 KB · Views: 182
Oh my God, Brenda.2! that is an amazing difference. I'm glad you saved your clothes for comparison but it looks like they fit you back then and they still fit you but they fit you better now. I don't remember if you mention how much weight you had lost... wait... did you post that you had awakened on your 45th birthday and had lost 95 lb? It looks significant.:cool: you look awesome. I hope you're getting some validation locally as well.
I KNOW! Your body has changed drastically but your mind is going to take a long time to catch up.

I hope that you will do some really positive affirmations and especially affirmations that relate to your physical appearance and your relationship with food.

I have recommended this book many times and I'm going to recommend it again. Pick up a copy of The Only Diet There Is.

It has nothing to do with food and is not a diet from food. It is a diet from negative thinking. It is an awesome book with simple tools that will help you change a negative thought into a positive one. More accurately it will actually make a negative thought disintegrate so it has no power anymore.

here's my old mantra

  • I am beautiful inside and out
  • People will perceive me as beautiful because I am beautiful
  • I become more beautiful everyday
  • I improve myself I improve myself everyday
  • I am I am Light
An old boyfriend wrote that for me and instructed me to say it all day to myself. I also had to say it on command as soon as he dialed my number and reached me. I was extremely reluctant. But it really did me a lot of good.

Welcome to your new life, Skinny!
You look amazing! Congrats on all your hard work. Keep it up! I had a hard time accepting what I was seeing in the mirror. Now I catch myself checking myself out every time I walk past one. Not because I am vain, just because of the wonder. It is amazing to see what all of my hard work has led to. A smile is brought to my face thinking of what is still to come if I just stay dedicated. See how far you have come and celebrate it because you deserve it ;)
WOW! Look at you! You look fabulous! I have not lost enough weight yet to look any differently. My surgery was 3 weeks ago, but I am looking forward to looking in the mirror and saying to my reflection, "Pardon me, but who exactly are you?" lol. Congrats and I wish you nothing but continued health, weight loss, and happiness.