Yes it all depends. If you were generally healthy and feeling OK before surgery, I would say by the second week you do NOT need any further help. Again, don't do any tasks that require lifting, strain or whatever. It does take a good month for you incisions to heal pretty well. Even after that month be careful.
During the first week I rested at home. I didn't feel like going out at all. I was using pain meds at times during the day and definitely in the evening to let me sleep. By the second week, I was off pain meds completely. I did use and occasional Tylenol but that was that. I went out with my wife who did most of the driving, but I also did some driving. Pain was basically gone. Yes, I was aware of my incision areas. They were all pretty tender. We agreed not to touch them and they didn't bother me!
I was able to make my own little meals. My wife did shop to get me friendly foods such as eggs, whole wheat bread ( which I didn't consume at all until week 4) , shakes, vitamins, etc.
The biggest thing you will have to learn is to eat small amounts and chew chew chew. This is after you progress through week 1 and 2. Week 1 is clear liquids. Week2 is full liquids. Week3 is puree stuff and finally for me week 4 was soft foods.
You will have to notice what full means and understand it early. If you overeat ever so slightly you will feel lousy for at least an 1/2 hour to a full hour. I stick to 1/3 cup for a meal right now. I found that 1/2 cup of food was right at the limit so I stayed away from that.
I remember my first meal 2 scrambled eggs. I felt awful!!! Well, I was supposed to have no more than one egg preferably hard boiled. I have learned. For me there is too much air in the scrambled eggs.
Oh yes, learn about belching and farting real early. Eat in small bites. Make sure you burp just like a baby halfway through your meal. Stop, rest. Then resume. We all belch like crazy.
Get a sippy cup to help minimize air intake with liquid consumption.
OK, enough.
I hope I have helped.