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I'm not really struggling with the holidays and I am embracing it more than ever I think due to all that has happened this year. But I do agree with you that the treats are hard to deal with especially if people are gifting you food items when they know what you've been through. If you have family members in your household, give the stuff to them and try to get your mindset to thinking this is theirs. If you live alone, give the stuff away if you can. If all else fails, know that the holidays are almost over and just hang in there!
We made some of our regular treats and some "bariatric" friendly treats as well, but I am approaching everything with moderation. We aren't going to alter things too much, especially as this year seems to need some good holiday cheer, and if that involves a few treats/drinks, I'm going to have my small amounts and enjoy it.

It can be a challenge sometimes, but given that we are pretty much staying at home, we have control of the environment, so that helps.

Don't be afraid to treat yourself a little bit, but commit to getting back to normal, healthy food immediately after the holiday.
I restrict myself but don't deprive myself. I baked all last weekend and again some today. I havnt really had a problem not eating the things I make, however I will allow myself a treat once in awhile. When I baked last weekend I let myself have a cookie and my boss gave me a box of truffles...I let myself have a 1/4 to 1/2 a truffle. Depriving one's self only makes you crave it more.
Absolutely. I get into this "holiday" mindset every year, as if it is a period of time out of reality, like vacation. And I am certainly doing better than I did years past but it's rough. My aunt sends cookies, fudge, candy and strudel. My cousin sent David's butter pecan balls. There's holiday foods and fresh baked bread. I keep reminding myself that nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. And have been doing pretty well. But then my family talked me into making chocolate chip cookies. I use a French chocolatiers recipe and excellent quality chocolate. They might not taste as good as healthy feels but I seem to need more proof! :p My jogging cousins picked up a batch, so I guess even healthy lifestyles have room for holiday baking. But next year I'm only making a half batch!! Happy Holidays!
I do ALL the holiday / family gathering cooking. I also make homemade candies - I've been doing this for 15 years. I start making candies the Friday after Thanksgiving. I make chocolate and vanilla oreo cake balls, peanut brittle, Ritz crackers with peanut butter covered in chocolate, caramel pecan turtles, no bake cookies, milk chocolate - white chocolate - peanut butter - and amaretta fudges, divinity, cookies n cream bark, peanut butter balls, and toffee. I also make pies/cookies/cakes/brownies for the holiday's too. In the years past - I would make enough for all the candy orders PLUS a batch of all the candies listed above for my family for the holidays. I would literally fix me a plate of all these candies and go to town - chowing down town that is :p - it wasn't unusual for me to have to make MORE of ALL of these sweets before Christmas. I'm a serial chocoholic - there is NO 12 step program for chocoholics.

This year I filled all the candy orders - and made half of a select few batches for Christmas / New Year celebrations. Since my surgery I don't handle sweets very well. So, Christmas Eve I "ate" less than a third of 1 chocolate oreo cake ball they're the size of a quarter, 1 small bite of cheese cake - and I couldn't eat anymore and that is a plus. It's different for everyone.

We had 45 people for Christmas and every time I turned around most of them were putting various food items on my plate. They remember the "Tracey" of Christmas past - the one who never let any food go to waste - always willing to take whatever they put on her plate. She's GONE - not around - not here - ain't coming back and I'm great with that. The holidays are ALMOST over and then my children will be complaining because all the sweets are gone and I'll be reminding them we have apples - oranges - bananas - Oh my.

My wonderful caring husband has been EXTREMELY helpful in getting rid of (EATING) all the extra sweets! In his words - "I don't mind taking one for the team and I hate to see you having to look at all these awful (DELICIOUS) sweets!" Every time he eats any of the sweets - he looks at me and says "These are awful." He also volunteered to kiss me after every bite- so I could get a "taste" of the sweets without really having to eat them. Now how thoughtful is that??? Yeah - he got the verbal eye roll on that shit!

The holidays will be over - stay strong!