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I’m 17 days from surgery and I’m starting to get nervous! What helped everyone?


I’m 40 years old and I have always struggled with my weight. Since COVID hit I have gained even more weight which is what put me on this path to get the Bariatric Sleeve surgery. My sister had it 7 years ago and has done well and kept her weight off! I feel like I have failed every other diet because once I go off of them I just gain the weight back and then some so I’m starting to worry that I’m going to fail at this too. Is there anyone else that has felt this way and how did you get through it? Does anyone have any tips on how to be successful in this journey? I would greatly appreciate any of your awesome advice! Thanks in advance!
Welcome, Gigi. We all felt fears like you're having now. You won't fail.

But surgery's not a cure.

The process of surgery and recovery will have major physical effects, for sure. The biggest part of your weight loss will happen right after. You'll be making adjustments to your lifestyle and eating habits immediately.

But you'll still have the eating disorders that led you to eat out of control so much that you've arrived at this point.

It's a good idea to read about nutrition and figure out how you're going to design meals post-op. That's how you'll succeed.

It's not a magic bullet. WLS is a leg-up that allows you to win more and suffer less. But you can defeat it, and some do, unless you commit to the new way of eating.

I lost so much weight so easily that I was motivated to change a lot of habits. Most notably, I became interested in hiking the wilderness, and I trained for big hikes 5 or 6 days a week at the YMCA. Having a reason to spend two hours on a treadmill accellerated my weight loss and toned my body.

Don't think of surgery as THE thing. It's only a tool. The THING is your mindset. Being fat actually makes people stand out in crowds. Sometimes it's hard to give up attention, even when its negative. The trick for me was my desire to become ordinary.

Affirmations work. Try repeating your deepest wishes in the form of affirmations all day long. See the powerful difference between "I want to be beautiful" and "I am beautiful." Keep repeating an affirmation until your inner gremlin stops arguing with it. You may think you can't believe it, but an unconscious part of your mind is starving for it, and hears every word.

Stop worrying. Have the surgery. Consult with your dietician and relevant medical and psychological professionals with an open mind. Allow yourself to believe, no matter how little you do. Follow the post-op plans. Accept what happens after, even the occasional little gains and slips.

We may understand your fears, but your unique set of compulsions and criticisms are yours alone. It's your journey. Create your own map and follow it.

You will not fail. You've already succeeded.
Welcome to the group! As Diane has said, WLS is a big step and we have all had the same worries and concerns that we are going to mess up or revert back to our same bad habits. That is actually a step in a positive direction -- acknowledging that there was a problem in the first place and knowing to watch for the habits. If you read back in old posts - I think everyone here has had the same worries either before or after surgery, we are all human and afraid of failure, we are all here to help support and encourage each other. Good Luck on your upcoming surgery!
I’m 40 years old and I have always struggled with my weight. Since COVID hit I have gained even more weight which is what put me on this path to get the Bariatric Sleeve surgery. My sister had it 7 years ago and has done well and kept her weight off! I feel like I have failed every other diet because once I go off of them I just gain the weight back and then some so I’m starting to worry that I’m going to fail at this too. Is there anyone else that has felt this way and how did you get through it? Does anyone have any tips on how to be successful in this journey? I would greatly appreciate any of your awesome advice! Thanks in advance!
Im sure by now you have had your surgery, I pray everything is going well for you. I had gastric sleeve surgery on june 4 2021. I'm doing well 47 pounds down.
Thank you all so much! I really appreciate knowing that I am not alone in how I’m feeling and look forward to talking with all of you more the closer I get to my surgery and goals! Thank you again!!
I had gastric bypass, so my experiences are a bit different from what you'll go through. Your bariatric team will give you the plan specific to your needs. We cannot give medical advice of course, but many past threads deal with our own journeys and might help answer many of your questions.

Drinking small sips of water throughout the day may be one of the healthiest things you can do for yourself, plus walking/movement bit by bit daily as you build up your endurance. No marathons yet!

Small victories are so satisfying, and remember that this tool will help ease your body hunger and allow you to readjust your head hunger. Best of luck on your journey.
Hi Gigi!

I had RNY 1/22/2020 and I wrote in a journal daily since my first doctor visit in July 2019. I still journal daily. It's helped me greatly since the beginning. I hold a question and answer information meeting twice a month at the surgical center where my surgical team is. I think talking to people who have been through the process can be helpful to people starting down the same path.

I'd also suggest reading through the past posts - they are filled with ideas, suggestions, comments and a lot of really good information.