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I'd like to share some inspiration for all of you who are beginning your journey. Seeing is believing. Stick to the program, and see the results!

Wow, Linney, welcome back. Where have you been since 2018 and before that, 2017? You're the oldest retread I have seen here since I wandered into this ghost town on the 5th of March 2019. When I started trying to reach out to old members, only one responded. So this is actually a really fun opportunity for me and maybe educational for all of us. What made you decide to take a break from the group and then returned and then a break and then return again? or have you been reading along all the time?

I know that even since I've been here people have come and gone after a very brief encounter. I suppose that's the nature of an online support group. But I feel the membership here is extremely committed and loyal. Everyone seems ready at an instant to offer information and support to newbies.

That is a great video! You look wonderful! So did you have your surgery in 2012 when you joined? What procedure did you have? It would be great to hear from someone who went through this struggle and success 8 years ago. The tools and resources are changing all the time. It is a much more cookie cutter procedure now and insurance companies seem anxious to pay for it.

I had RYGB via open procedure at Virginia Mason Hospital on August 20th, 2007. I lost 115 lb / 14 months and changed my life. I love the way I learned to eat and I find it easy to stick to the program, although not so much lately. The COVID crisis has really isolated me so I'm getting much less exercise. I would have had at least 6 mountain hikes under my belt by this time but I haven't been outside for any recreational reason since March 16th.

How are you doing after all these years? Do tell!
I'm doing well thank you. For many years I was on this site and posted many blogs sharing the trials and tribulations of this journey, and then when they updated the site, I couldn't share my blogs anymore, and wanted to write more encouraging and inspiring content. I too had RNY Gastric Bypass, and found as each year passes by, my body has leveled out to a place where I'm satisfied. I feel good, energetic, and became a "gym rat" where I've met many people who share the same passion for physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.

It sounds like you've achieved your personal goals and are pleased with the results you've worked so hard to obtain. It's a shame that insurance companies don't understand that obesity causes so many health issues, and if only insurance companies approved this procedure, so many obesity-related diseases would be prevented. The insurance companies would be saving money in the long run.

Everyone has been affected by COVID one way or another. Many people felt isolated and bored which makes them vulnerable to turning back to food for comfort, plus the lack of exercise will invite trouble for those who struggle with weight issues. I've been busy caring for my parent, who lives with me, and that keeps me active most of the day. I've also been working from home and putting in a good 40-50 hours a week, along with taking care of my family's needs, and many other life-changing events that occurred for a few years, I would say my plate has been quite full.

I have a new puppy too, who is very hyper and loves to walk! Her name is Daisy and she keeps me very active! Thank you for reaching out and I hope you remain healthy and most of all safe!

