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Hi, My name is Vivian. I am 27 years old. I reached my heaviest weight 3 years ago, 430lbs. I went from having a normal BMI & no health issues to one day realizing I was gaining more weight than I could lose. It took about 3-4 years till I finally found a doctor who would listen & not dismiss me by telling me to lose weight & everything would be fixed. In 2021, I was diagnosed with Insulin Resistant PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome). A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when I found out that PCOS was the primary culprit for my weight gain. Aside from that I had tried every diet I could, exercise every day & weight loss pills. My doctor told me that in order to start my weight loss & correct my health issues I developed do to my weight gain, I would have to balance out my hormones. I got prescribed Metformin & Birth Control. My severe weight gain had led me to depression/severe anxiety. I finally made the decision to seek help & work towards a better future. Between mental health therapy & doctor visits every 3 months, I started to get better & feel hopeful.

In 2023, I finally had reached a point where my hormones were mostly balanced & I started to lose weight mid year. When I asked my doctor for a referral, I was anxious because all I could think was "great another fat person wanting a surgery to quickly fix the problem". But in reality, she worked with me to figure it out & got me the referral. I had then learned that a bariatric surgery was a tool not so much a fix to my weight. In August of 2023, I went in for a consultation & I was approved to start the process, at this point I weighed 390lbs. I was hopefully that I finally would reach a "normal" point in my life. My first dietician appt was in November of 2023, and at that point my "starting weight" was 394.4lbs. After that first appointment I knew that I had to set my mind & go at this 100%. I tapped into that determination I had when I was younger & was focused on sports & school. I started following my dietician's instructions 100% & focused on working out 4-5 times a week for 50min. And I finally started noticing positive changes.

One of my biggest motivators is being able to do things I abandoned due to my weight, shape & anxiety. I hate the stares & looks I get, yet I know sometimes its ppl admiring my body art or colored hair. I became ashamed of how I looked, how I felt & overall hopelessness. I can't tell you how excited I am now! I had my 4th dietician appt on Monday, February 19, 2024. & my weight is currently at 374.9lbs. I finally decided to join an online forum to find people going through the same situation because I came to realize that half the people in my life aren't truly supportive & are waiting for my downfall. I can't wait for the rest of journey & the hurdles I will have to jump through. I hope that someday, my story helps someone who may feel hopeless & can't seem to find the help they need from medical professionals.
Sorry for such a long intro, but nice to meet ya'll! Hope to find the support I need, as well as help encourage & support many wonderful people!

-Vivian C
Welcome Viv, We are in this all of us together, some already with years of experience, I am barely on my 5th Week, I started here in December last year for my Pre-ops stuff, is a journey and we are all different and different stages, Not one person has all the same symptoms or issues...But something I know is that Here you will find individuals with caring hearts and well-intended
Welcome Viv, We are in this all of us together, some already with years of experience, I am barely on my 5th Week, I started here in December last year for my Pre-ops stuff, is a journey and we are all different and different stages, Not one person has all the same symptoms or issues...But something I know is that Here you will find individuals with caring hearts and well-intended
thank you! I definitely have started looking at other threads & I know I’ll find the support I’m looking for. Hopefully all is going well for you!
Hi, My name is Vivian. I am 27 years old. I reached my heaviest weight 3 years ago, 430lbs. I went from having a normal BMI & no health issues to one day realizing I was gaining more weight than I could lose. It took about 3-4 years till I finally found a doctor who would listen & not dismiss me by telling me to lose weight & everything would be fixed. In 2021, I was diagnosed with Insulin Resistant PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome). A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders when I found out that PCOS was the primary culprit for my weight gain. Aside from that I had tried every diet I could, exercise every day & weight loss pills. My doctor told me that in order to start my weight loss & correct my health issues I developed do to my weight gain, I would have to balance out my hormones. I got prescribed Metformin & Birth Control. My severe weight gain had led me to depression/severe anxiety. I finally made the decision to seek help & work towards a better future. Between mental health therapy & doctor visits every 3 months, I started to get better & feel hopeful.

In 2023, I finally had reached a point where my hormones were mostly balanced & I started to lose weight mid year. When I asked my doctor for a referral, I was anxious because all I could think was "great another fat person wanting a surgery to quickly fix the problem". But in reality, she worked with me to figure it out & got me the referral. I had then learned that a bariatric surgery was a tool not so much a fix to my weight. In August of 2023, I went in for a consultation & I was approved to start the process, at this point I weighed 390lbs. I was hopefully that I finally would reach a "normal" point in my life. My first dietician appt was in November of 2023, and at that point my "starting weight" was 394.4lbs. After that first appointment I knew that I had to set my mind & go at this 100%. I tapped into that determination I had when I was younger & was focused on sports & school. I started following my dietician's instructions 100% & focused on working out 4-5 times a week for 50min. And I finally started noticing positive changes.

One of my biggest motivators is being able to do things I abandoned due to my weight, shape & anxiety. I hate the stares & looks I get, yet I know sometimes its ppl admiring my body art or colored hair. I became ashamed of how I looked, how I felt & overall hopelessness. I can't tell you how excited I am now! I had my 4th dietician appt on Monday, February 19, 2024. & my weight is currently at 374.9lbs. I finally decided to join an online forum to find people going through the same situation because I came to realize that half the people in my life aren't truly supportive & are waiting for my downfall. I can't wait for the rest of journey & the hurdles I will have to jump through. I hope that someday, my story helps someone who may feel hopeless & can't seem to find the help they need from medical professionals.
Sorry for such a long intro, but nice to meet ya'll! Hope to find the support I need, as well as help encourage & support many wonderful people!

-Vivian C
Can I ask what the process involved? Our daughter has PCOS and cannot lose wight or stop gaining it. She was on metformin for 3 months but it had a very nasty gastric affect so she has stopped taking it. Her PCP has referred her to the medically managed/bariatric surgery clinic and we both are learning as much as we can from folks who have the same issues. Dr's can only tell you so much.
Can I ask what the process involved? Our daughter has PCOS and cannot lose wight or stop gaining it. She was on metformin for 3 months but it had a very nasty gastric affect so she has stopped taking it. Her PCP has referred her to the medically managed/bariatric surgery clinic and we both are learning as much as we can from folks who have the same issues. Dr's can only tell you so much.
Well for me, they tried ozempic but it was too expensive. I was paying over $1000 every other month. Insurance wouldn’t cover it. My current PCP put me on Wellbutrin, it’s an antidepressant that’s widely used for a variety of things. It helped me suppress hunger while helping with hormonal & mental health issues I wasn’t even aware of. I also had a hard time with Metformin so she switched me to Metformin ER which is less discomforting when it comes to the gastric/digestive system. She also had to put me on a higher dosage of birth control pills that have estrogen and progesterone which helped immensely with balancing my hormones. I would ask her PCP for alternative solutions, unfortunately Metformin has no alternatives except for the one that is for more gastric sensitive people. I would also ask about vitamins she can take to help balance her hormones. It’s an intense & chaotic process. For me it took finding the right medical care that listened to my concerns & helped find ways to help. I also requested psychological therapy because I got overwhelmed, my anxiety & depression made it hard to keep trying. It became one of my biggest support systems. She is very lucky to have you all supporting her.