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more good news from Cleveland Clinic

Yeah they had this story on our noon news today. Pretty cool knowing another good result from WLS. I liked the part in this article about some researchers/mds feeling bariatric surgery should be classified as medically necessary rather than elective surgery, esp in light of the better Covid outcomes. Thanks Diane for posting this.
We had 16,000 new COVID cases in one day here. Most of these attacked the unvaccinated. WTF? Two years into the pandemic and people are holding out?

Over and over, survivors say, "Get vaccinated!"

We live in a free country but some days I long for those "line-up-in-the-hallway and get your polio shot with no parental consent" days of childhood. I know, I know, there's a big flip side there. I raised a kid and had to deliberate about vaxxing.

This pandemic is terrifying, but lack of caring for your neighbors is worse.

Listen, my dear friends who are in the path of horrible weather right now, I hope you're well-stocked and warm. Seems we have to prepare to stay safe more than ever.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
What really worries me about the unvaccinated is they are spreading Covid to the rest of us who've done the right thing.

Our governor of WV, despite being fully vaxxed & boosted, came down with it this week. He was pretty severely ill for a few days but received the monoclonal treatment & is recovering. He probably weighs over 300 lbs, and morbid obesity puts anyone with Covid in extreme danger. Some unvaccinated yahoo put his life at high risk. So sad.

And who knows what long haul effects any of us will suffer, even if we just get a mild case of Covid from our "I don't care about you" neighbors. Grrrrr!