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please note i posted this under "Funny Stuff"

"Why do they call it Roux-en-Y?

"The Roux-en-Y procedure gets its name from the way it changes your digestive system. “Roux-en-Y" means “in the shape of a Y." The procedure divides both your stomach and your small intestine, connecting each new segment together to form a “Y” shape.
Apr 11, 2022

Over the 15 years I've been here I've seen this spelled several different ways. It kind of alarms me. Sometimes I think people don't actually read the handouts doctors give them, if you know what I mean. Or maybe it's just that French is not their second language (or Latin). Of course, there aren't that many ways you actually could spell it, is there. And here's the real question: Why haven't they developed a user-friendly term patients can use?!!!! Why do doctors have to make everything so difficult?

So whose up for a contest? Submit your funniest or most accurate ALTERNATIVE names for this bypass surgery

I'm on the verge of coming up with a few. I'll post them in a few days--if this thread takes off.

Who's with me?