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Round 4.3 a huh

Went to a new doctor today. He been doing wls for 28 years. He told me to never drink again. It hit me hard. I never had a surgeon tell me this apart of life after revision. Anyone else going because dry for life due to revision? He had tears in his eyes! He has lost several patients due to crossover addiction.
I drink if I want to. I'm not a regular drinker but red wine with spaghetti is required, a cold beer & hot dog at a ball game a must, and I do love a martini, shaken, not stirred. However, I can't afford alcohol. I can barely afford food on my tiny social security income. Friends know this and sometimes I get a bottle of booze for my birthday or Christmas.

Do you have a history of addictions? I did a lot of drugs in the Sixties, but quit on February 15, 1970, after a nightmare bummer on some really bad LSD with a dozen equally affected friends. Haven't participated in illicit recreational drugs since. No desire. Got it out of my sytem over a two-year period from 68 to 70.

Some people here have been told they shouldn't drink. Others drink sensibly.

A doctor doesn't know everything. It's not a given that if you're addicted to food, you're also addicted to drugs and alcohol. In fact, I'm 16 years out and don't really have strong cravings for anything except cigarettes. I love cigarettes. But I am totally addicted and they make my body feel bad, so I don't smoke. But I want to, every day.

The bottom line is that this is YOUR journey, not your doctor's. Again, I don't know if you have a history of addiction (and I do not believe in the "addictive personality"), but these are my opinions based on a simple formula: WLS + alcohol = a normal life experience.
I'm not sure how you define "being able to drink again." But here's a conclusive paragraph from the government's National Institutes of Health, and they're the same people who examine pros and cons and make sure hazards and benefits are honestly labeled:

"However, there was no consensus about sensitivity to the use of alcohol, which increases after the BS. Smaller alcoholic doses cause greater toxicity, compared to the period prior to the surgery. Likewise, research studies have addressed more frequently studies on BS that used RYGB technique, because this is the most usual procedure for the surgical treatment of obesity, indicating the need for comparative studies with other common techniques. . "

The whole report is here. And I've been enjoying very infrequent drinking when I want to for the last Post-op 16 years. If you drink a bit more than normal, you run the risk of becoming slightly to very inebriated. But a glass of wine with dinner or a beer on a hot day isn't going to affect your metabolism, which is specifically studied and referenced.


I noticed a couple of things when I read the study. First, light to moderate alcohol consumption does contribute to your sugar and digestive functions, but not in any hazardous manner and second, these statistics were gathered by people who self-reported, meaning there's a lot of room to doubt the accuracy, and most of them were men.

I always check the federal site if I hear some rumor or report of complications from surgery. But I also check myself, because I eat and drink everything I want, just much, much less, and being so much lighter, I can move a lot more, so even though I don't put sugar on my cereal, I'd actually rather use sugar than a chemical sweetener whose effects may not be known for generations.
My dr told me that the gastric bypass will affect alcohol intake. He explained it as being absorbed quicker then passing through your system quicker. So you don’t feel the influence as long. I have had some of those airplane alcohol premixed Long Island tea and mudslides, and margaritas. I never really cared for margaritas….I have mixed the Long Island tea with my fit and active tea from Aldi’s on my birthday but never more than one bottle Per day in a 30 oz cup.