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Surgery scheduled

I am scheduled for 12/16/22 for sleeve! Super excited I have to start my pre-op diet on 11/28 so I purchased a few different flavors of protein shakes. I
That is so awesome. Enjoy this time! Make sure you prepare yourself for life after WLS! This tool is a game change. I am not sure how much weight you plan to lose? But, get a true support system of people who have a clue about what you are go through and those who will remain positive regarding your journey. You are on a narrow road just do not give up and when you fall off get back up!
Congratulations on coming this far on your journey! When you start your pre-op stay focused and be prepared is all I can say. The first few days can be a little rough for some people but after that it gets much easier. Stick to your diet and remind yourself as often as necessary why you are doing this. Enjoy Thanksgiving and this downtime before surgery!
Thank you for that. My goal is 100 lbs and I'm so ready I have been overweight all my life I am ready to be healthy!!
I am excited for you! This best advice I can give: do your best to follow your doctors directions! Do not be afraid to ask questions lots of questions. Always remember that this is just a piece of what it will take to have a healthier life. You will get your "key." However, it's a lifetime of opening and locking doors! Peace
Hello all my surgery date has been scheduled so scared and happy all at same time!! Mainly scared if sagging gross skin.
I heard it is not a large amount of skin unless you are over 700 pounds. Everyone will have some but most people don't care when they think about how much pain they are not in or that they can wear jeans again. Trust me I hear it all the time. I'm looking forward to the surgery skin or no skin. I'm tired of being in pain and feeling sick all the time. Also it won't hurt to look better. Focus on that and everything will be fine.
The most important thing I read when I was rolling fears over and over in my mind was that recovery takes time, just as it took time to get to the point where surgery was your only choice. I was terrified of flapping skin, like most people are. But please believe me when I tell you it gets better, but it takes a lot longer than you think you can stand. Eventually, what you think becomes irrelevant and your body shows results and you are thrilled by them. Sometimes parts of our eating disorder gets stronger as we make healthier choices, and that little destructive voice gets louder.

I'm 14 years out and can tell you, it took me about 2 years to go from being huge and so unhealthy to the point where I just realized, wow, I was in horrible shape and now, it's getting better... finally. The mind recovers more slowly than the body.

Don't pressure yourself or ruin your motivation by irrational fears about what might happen after. Allow yourself to be thrilled by every ounce you'll lose and every step you'll be able to take after losing.

I went into some cosmetic surgery consultations a couple of years after, thinking of getting a panniculectomy, and every medical professional who saw me said, "If you didn't tell me you had the surgery, I'd never know."

Believe in your body's ability to heal. It's just as strong as the power to destroy, which is what brought you to this place. You CAN go home again.
The most important thing I read when I was rolling fears over and over in my mind was that recovery takes time, just as it took time to get to the point where surgery was your only choice. I was terrified of flapping skin, like most people are. But please believe me when I tell you it gets better, but it takes a lot longer than you think you can stand. Eventually, what you think becomes irrelevant and your body shows results and you are thrilled by them. Sometimes parts of our eating disorder gets stronger as we make healthier choices, and that little destructive voice gets louder.

I'm 14 years out and can tell you, it took me about 2 years to go from being huge and so unhealthy to the point where I just realized, wow, I was in horrible shape and now, it's getting better... finally. The mind recovers more slowly than the body.

Don't pressure yourself or ruin your motivation by irrational fears about what might happen after. Allow yourself to be thrilled by every ounce you'll lose and every step you'll be able to take after losing.

I went into some cosmetic surgery consultations a couple of years after, thinking of getting a panniculectomy, and every medical professional who saw me said, "If you didn't tell me you had the surgery, I'd never know."

Believe in your body's ability to heal. It's just as strong as the power to destroy, which is what brought you to this place. You CAN go home again.
Thank you that really hits home for me I appreciate it
Anyone have suggestions on protein shakes that are more of a juice or clear as apposed to milky?
I would supplement with Gatorade zero sugar with Protein when I got tired of the shakes. Didn’t really care for the Premier Clear. I also added protein powder to bone broth that I made, since I’m not really into sweat things.
Anyone have suggestions on protein shakes that are more of a juice or clear as apposed to milky?
Protein 2o is really good and has about 20 different flavors. You'll like it a lot. Get a variety pack and that way you can decide for yourself which one you like best. I like peach mango myself.


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Protein 2o is really good and has about 20 different flavors. You'll like it a lot. Get a variety pack and that way you can decide for yourself which one you like best. I like peach mango myself.
I've tried two protein waters and hated them both. The premier and Isopure. The flavors were so gross. I wanted to try the protein20 but was worried it would be gross too. Is there any where I can order one bottle at a time instead of a case. My Wal-Mart only has the energy one with caffeine.