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Surgery Went Well


Hi everyone,
My surgery was Monday and all went well. I got home yesterday evening and so far things are good. The gas pains in my chest and shoulders were the worst, but I tried to keep moving and they are finally gone today. I've been strolling around the house and I took a little walk outside this morning and felt pretty worn out after so I think I'll scale it back a bit next time and work my way back up. Thank you all for your support up to this point. I can't believe I did it!:D
Hi Jenny,

Congrats on the successful surgery. Now the fun begins. Just follow the plan laid out for you by your Dr. and Nutritionist and let things come to you. Take you time with the exercise, but try to get some in every day, it helps with the recovery and stimulates weight loss. Let me know where you are in NC, I'm in Wake Forest.



Thanks Frank, it's definitely a full time job trying to keep up with the drinking schedule, but I know it'll get easier with time. I've heard lots of people say the first 2-3 weeks are the toughest, so I'm hanging in there until I get to the next step. I'm in Holly Springs, so we're pretty close.