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Workout Routine ideas


I've had a couple people ask me what I do for workouts though I'm less than a month out of surgery. This is the workout I performed not for Powerlifting Competition alone but this was overall endurance and strength. I'm 6'7 and while people may think that makes it easy for me, my 5'1 wife seemed to handle it better than me. Though I am a former power lifter I'm too old to go super heavy and I simply don't have the time to workout all day. This is my workout when training with a Running Back, Sprinter for UNL that he had given me.

Note on Deadlifts: Anymore I only do light reps with deadlift at 220-250 just because it was one of my favorite feats but I will probably stop all together when I hit 50yrs old. I would not recommend anyone do deadlifts though as it is the highest risk vs reward exercise and the rewards can accomplished with other exercises but a back injury from deadlift can be permanent. Really the only purpose of deadlifting would be to become a better dead lifter for competition. This only my opinion of course but also a shared opinion of several Worlds Strongest Man competitors (Robert Oberst).

These is my strength training weeks 1-3 and endurance 4-6. I change from machine to barbell to dumbbells and kettlebells, weighted balls every other week and put in different exercise to pair every other month to keep shocking the muscles so they don't develop that memory which decreases gains and can set you back. Each exercise is paired with the one below it for a superset. Supersets are done for 4 sets for the number of reps immediately back and forth back to back with no rest, with 2 min rest before moving on to the next paired superset. I'm wanting to start at a higher weight than normal and the last set I want to be in complete muscle failure for the last set of reps. Fan Bike (assault bike) is Max speed for one minute, one minute rest alternating for 10 minutes. I try to maintain low impact to the knees. I don't mess around when I work out, it's business and I usually knock out the average day within 30-45 min and move on with my day. When I am not strength training I simply decrease the weight, increase the number of reps and do one more set.

Gloves, grip straps and belts. I don't like using them because of my power lifting background. Grip is important in power lifting and you can't really develop a very strong grip by using straps. Belts are supposed to help stabilize the back when doing heavy lifts. Again, the muscles in your midsection should be doing the work to stiffen and protect the midsection and protect the back. Belts only offer partial protection to the mid section, if one feels they need a belt one should not be lifting that amount of weight until developing their mid section and/or wear a squat suit. When you see photos of Eddie "The Beast" Hall or Hapthor Bjornson after you see him trimmed down from when they lifted over 500kg records you can see part of why they are able to make those big lifts when you look at the muscle on their midsection.

Before workout I'll eat a little bit of carbs to supply my muscles energy before a workout. After workout it's important to get food or some sort of post workout in you as your muscles are torn down and ready to absorb nutrients. You'll also note this is only a 4 day workout week (2 on 2 off, 3 on, 3 off etc). Pick whatever days you want off but I usually want a couple days off to recover from leg day. I'll still go for a walk, bike ride, hike etc or some form of minor physical activity but you have to be careful to not overdo it. The whole point of an off day is to let your body recover and prepare for the next round of abuse your about to send it. You don't need to spend a bunch of money on equipment expensive gyms or special protein bars etc. While at UNL which had several tons of great high tech equipment, the local YMCA was our preferred workout place due to the #1 the pool but also basketball court, mix of free weights, kettlebells, battle rops, exercise balls, platforms, machines, fan bikes, sauna and the list goes on for a measly $35 a month. Some days I just worked out with my set of Power Block Dumbbells' and resistance bands. Realistically though you could use about anything heavy you possess or even rocks in your land scaping. A mix of Oatmeal (Or cream of wheat) with a spoonful of peanut butter (Protein powder), honey (local, antibiotics) and cinnamon (super food anti inflammatory) is all good stuff for a pre workout. I usually like to have some good veggies and a scoop of Orgain Protein mix in a glass of cold almond/coconut milk or plain water for post or just later in the day to help with some of the nutrients. I found the older me reacts much better to it and my digestive system processes it well. I've tried alot of them out there and some have alot of sugar in them, make you burp and fart alot even without bariatric surgery. Just be aware that the vanilla bean may make your stools white so do freak out thinking you have a blocked duct in your pancreas or liver failure (it's white powder)

Other than that...workout 2 days on, 2 off, 3 on, 3 off and rotate. Off days, go for an easy walk, bike ride or other activity (mowing grass etc) Rest is just as important as the physical activity of the workout. So get 8-10hrs if you can.

Weeks 1-3
Day 1
FLY 3x5
Modular Chest Press 3x10
Bent-over Row (underhand grip) 3x5
Lat Pulldown (overhand grip) 3x8
Incline Bench (Shoulder Press) 3x5
Dips (Use 2 Small Benches) 3x8
Back Extension (Swiss Ball) 3x10
Deadlift or pullthroughs or dumbell lift 3x5
Bike 2 Mile
Row 10 Min
Day 2
Military Press 3x8
Dumbell Shrugs 3x8
Barbell Curl 4x6
Skullcrushers 4x6
3-way Dumbell Fly (front, side, bentover) 3x4 each
Dumbell Iso Curls (Bench upwright holding one center)3x8
Dumbell Tricep Extension (one bell overhead center)3x8
Bike 2 Mile
Row 10 Min
Day 3
Squat 3x10
Seated Leg Curl 3x10
Seated Leg Extension
Modular Chest Press 3x5
Dual Axis Row Rear Delt Cable 3x8
Lunges(GO LIGHT) 3x5 each
Dumbell Step Ups 3x8 each
Cable Chest Fly 3x5
Dumbell Row 3x8
Bike 4 Mile
Day 4
Shoulder Press (elbows Out) 3x5
Chin Ups (underhand grip) 3x5
Barbell Shrug 3x8
Tricep Pull Down (front of hips) 3x8
Preacher Curl 3x8
Dips (Use two Small Benches) 3x8
Bike 2 Mile
Treadmill 10 Min
Indicates a super-set. Do these exercises back-to-back.

Weeks 4-6
Day 1
Dumbell Incline 4x8
Crossover Push Ups 4x30 seconds
Body Weight Row 4x8
Chin Ups (underhand grip) 4x10
Decline Bench 4x8
Weighted Dips 4x10
Seated Row 4x8
Deadlift 4x5
Day 2This could be done at home
Alternating Dumbell Press (Home) 4x8
Jump Shrug ( Home) 4x8
Barbell Curl 4x8
Bench Dips 4x8
3-Way Dumbell Fly 4x4 each
Dumbell Iso Curls 4x8
Barbell Tricep Extension 4x8
Day 3This could be done at home
Split Squat (Home Unweighted) 4x8 each
Squat Jumps (home) Squat, Jump, Pull knees up)4x10
Alternating Dumbell Bench 4x8 each
Lat Pull Down 4x8
Side Lunge 4x8 each
Dumbell Power Step Ups 4x8 each
Dumbell Chest Fly 4x8
Dumbell Row 4x8
Day 4
Military Press 4x8
Dumbell Iso Preacher Curl 4x8
Dumbell Shrug 4x8
Skullcrusher 4x8
Barbell Curl 4x8
Weighted Dips 4x8
Indicates a super-set. Do these exercises back-to-back.


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Oh wow, that’s impressive. I’m less than 3 weeks out and was told to walk a few times a day until I reach a month. They say this so we don’t get blood clots so I walk in 10 min increments 3x/daily. I can’t wait to just walk a solid 30 min lol. I am able to walk faster now, before my stomach ached so I would just walk really slow on my treadmill. Best of luck with your exercise journey!
That's more my regular workout before OP. I'm slowly working my way back up to it. Don't have the gas to do much. I'm doing more cardio right now but I'm grabbing weights no more than 10lbs a couple times a day or sometimes no weights, just going through the motions. Really trying not to do anything that causes the abdominal region to work so sticking with arms and legs right now. Sounds easy enough to not work the stomach area until you start trying to do some movements without weights and you realize how much your abs are actually working. I want a solid 2 months out of surgery to make sure I don't herniate an incision site before I start doing all sets, reps and going up in weight.