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Ready. Set. Grow!

These pics of gardens are so awesome. I have not really gardened since my children were small back in early to mid 80’s. Pool right now has my attention but I am not against trying something next year. Thinks it will be the cinder blocks with underground critter proofing. But I love your ideas
I had hopes to do a raised veggie garden on my deck but looks like I will need to wait until next year before they sell out of the kind of raised bed I want. Luckily for me I live in an agricultural area and there are farm stands all over, so that will have to do for now. But I always say there is nothing better than a tomato grown in your own yard!
We live on the dry side of the mountains in Oregon so we are limited on what we can go but things are looking good so far.

We have one of those damm deer fences as well for our garden Ryan. I wish I would have made our raised beds a little higher but after surgery it should be easier.

Some great pictures on this post!


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    Front yard 1.jpeg
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    Garden .jpeg
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We live on the dry side of the mountains in Oregon so we are limited on what we can go but things are looking good so far.

We have one of those damm deer fences as well for our garden Ryan. I wish I would have made our raised beds a little higher but after surgery it should be easier.

Some great pictures on this post!

I love your porch with the hanging baskets!! And that's a great garden! Yes, you will find you will have a much easier time bending down to tend to your garden after surgery!!
Back when I had my veggie garden I made two raised beds from cinderblocks side by side sharing one cinderblock wall. In them I planted blueberries & strawberries. I also had a separate asparagus patch, and one area for my elephant garlic. Sure miss those freshly canned tomatoes, salsa, & sweet chowchow relish. Not possible in my apartment. I also made sweet jalapeno pepper jelly. Maybe someday again...
That is so pretty, and I love cacti too! I should have taken a picture of my flower bed that I worked on last weekend. I planted a bunch of new lilies and a few other perennials. My peonies were in full bloom and my hostas were lush. Well.... wouldn't you know some deer came along and chewed things down? A few of the perennials survived but the new lilies were deheaded as were the peonies and hostas!!! ARRRRGH!!!!! I moved the lilies to inside our fenced backyard. The peonies and the hostas were there for years, so I'm not moving those. Anyway, just so I can post a picture of something, here is my little herb garden, LOL!

I love the garden pictures. When I lived in Wisconsin we had 2 garden's Now in Tucson I can't get anything to grow. I did some a few tomatoes but with all the watering and the few we got, we called them our $50.00 tomatoes (they were not that good) I do not know if I am willing to try planting again here or not. Would need to take a class on how to grow veggies here. I can't even find a good farm's market here.
I love the garden pictures. When I lived in Wisconsin we had 2 garden's Now in Tucson I can't get anything to grow. I did some a few tomatoes but with all the watering and the few we got, we called them our $50.00 tomatoes (they were not that good) I do not know if I am willing to try planting again here or not. Would need to take a class on how to grow veggies here. I can't even find a good farm's market here.
I can imagine it is quite a challenge to grow things there, but didn't realize finding a farmer's market would be so hard.
I’m actually super excited about this. I love growing sunflowers, and this one started up early, so it’s really tall. My 12 yo son for scale LOL He’s a big boy. But right now there are 22 heads on this one stalk!! It would be amazing if they all bloomed. View attachment 3906

I love sunflowers! We have a place that does a yearly sunflower maze and you get to pick 3 sunflowers when you are there. Here is a picture from a couple years ago, me with my favorite flower!


