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3 days out


Well this is day 3 post- op i have some problems with bleeding from one of the incision sites and oh my goodness the pain...please tell me it will get better. Was surprised they sent me me home from hospital after2 days is this the norm?
Rhonda-A lot of people on this forum were disharged 2 days after surgery and a couple were discharged the very next day after surgery. Some incisional bleeding is normal and is actually expected. If the drainage is brown or has a foul smell then you need to contact your surgeron immediately or go to the ER if you are unable to contact the surgeon.

Some discomfort is also expected but not horrible pain. You should have been given a prescription for pain meds when you were discahrged. If not then call the surgeon and ask for pain meds. Let us know how you are feeling in a day or 2 and keep an eye on the drainage to make sure it stays a clear red color.
Rhonda, I am day 5 and I am also having a bit of bleeding from a couple of the incision spots. I have pain where my drain was but just discomfort elsewhere. My surgery was 12 -12. I did not get released until 12-16 as I had dry heaves everytime I sipped. I am exhausted! Not sure I am getting any nutrition as a sip don't give me much and I am torn between hydration and nutrition. When I do sip it seems like I am getting more air than anything and it hurts! I wish this had been covered better in the prep classes.
Eggnuts so sorry to hear hope things are improving for you. reading your post made me realize I didn't have it quite so bad, thankfully no throwing up for me
Rhonda, as you heal the pain will go away. Just take it easy and don't overdo things and I think you'll be fine. If it doesn't get better or gets worse contact your surgeon.

Eggnuts, when you say you are getting more air than anything. Are you using a straw? If you are, try without a straw, my doc said I can no longer use straws because you get too much air. Just a thought. If you are still having problems, you should contact your surgeon. Don't wait too long, dehydration is very serious. Please let us know how both of you are doing.

Rhonda and Eggnuts- I hope you all are feeling better!!! I can tell you I was released the next day after my surgery and did have quite a bit of pain in the middle of my chest....it DOES get better!! You need to concentrate on sipping, walking and resting, I cannot stress these 3 things enough!! Your body needs time to heal and adjust not to mention the emotional aspect of being in pain, tired and fatigued. Give yourselves credit and know that the BEST is yet to come. Take care and God Bless. Time 4 me ;)
I spent 3 days in the hospital, because I was in so much pain, I was in tears every time I tried to walk down the hall. And I have a really high pain tolerance. Every day, it will get better. I ended up having scar tissue adhering to my muscle wall, and was in more pain than I should have been, for 6 weeks, but it finally tore loose and I'm totally pain free now. Most people don't have that happen, so just try to concentrate on getting better. My doctor said to rest when I was tired, and not to feel guilty about it. At first, get in your exercise with short walks - if you can only make it to the mailbox and back, that's OK. Just do what you can tolerate. Push yourself a little more each day, and rest in between, and you'll be feeling fine before you know it. Eggnuts, I hope you are doing better - at first, fluids are more important than nutrition, but if you are still having trouble, talk to your doctor, because you don't want to end up back in the hospital hooked to an IV due to dehydration.

Good luck to you both!!!!!
Thanks everyone for all the advice im feeling much better. Now if i can just make friends with those protein shakes ...