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blood work: high potassium levels, now what?


Great. I've never eaten so healthy in my life and apparently I am doing it all wrong. I got blood test results back today and they said my potassium level is high. They said to cut my Lisinopril prescription in 1/2 and drink lots of water, then retest in a week. I told them I haven't taken my Lisinopril for about 3 or 4 months now. My blood pressure is fine without it. Any advise out there on how to lower it? Thanks in advance.
Find out what the high potassium foods are. The ones I can specifically remember are bananas, orange juice, raisens, potatoes, chocolate, and right now others escape me. Cut down on the high potassium foods (you can get a complete list online) and then increase your water intake. Read all labels and check for potassium and avoid those foods for a while. It could be a lab error as well so getting it checked in a week is a very good idea. If it stays up they may need to do some kidney function tests - no biggee. Also check your vitamins and any other supplements you use. Some salt substitutes are potassium based too so check those and check what preservatives they use in foods. Those are my suggestions. Joy
Mergatroid-Don't beat yourself up about having high potassium levels. Things often go crazy after bariatric surgery which is why we are monitored so closely. Salt substitutes typically contain high amounts of potassium. Foods such as melons, orange juice, and bananas are also rich in potassium. Breakdown of muscle tissue (called rhabdomyolysis) can cause high levels of potassium. Are you losing weight too fast and are you getting in all of your protein every day? If not you could be losing muscle. Uncontrolled diabetes also can cause high potassium as can hormonal disorders and certain medications such as antibiotics..

Maintaining a normal potassium level is critical to heart and kidney function. If your surgeon has not yet arranged for testing to find out what is causing this please see your PCP right away. Do not put this off.