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the daiily habit i struggle with at night is exercise.

Hi Lisa, I used to do 100 situps at night before bed. Later I read you should not exercise at night because so many organs receive stimulus from exercising at night, it can interfere with sleep.

I think that's logical. Your biorhythm would be to become active in the morning so you can have energy all day. Then winding down after supper would allow for healthy digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Does exercise at night give you a positive energy and help you sleep? I find it stimulating and it makes healthy sleep difficult.

Best of luck. It's important to have a plan.
Went for a 45 minute walk yesterday for exercise. Which puts me at 2 of my 4 goal days down. Did not track, so I'm on that today.
Prepped my antipasto/caprese skewers for snacks. Made little salami roses LOL they are adorable. Grilled my chicken for lunches. Made my oatmeal. I'm all prepped and ready for a great week!
The fam is having grilled pork chops for dinner, so I'm trying Lisa's cottage cheese Alfredo tonight. Ill let you know how it goes!
Went for a 45 minute walk yesterday for exercise. Which puts me at 2 of my 4 goal days down. Did not track, so I'm on that today.
Prepped my antipasto/caprese skewers for snacks. Made little salami roses LOL they are adorable. Grilled my chicken for lunches. Made my oatmeal. I'm all prepped and ready for a great week!
The fam is having grilled pork chops for dinner, so I'm trying Lisa's cottage cheese Alfredo tonight. Ill let you know how it goes!
missy your skewers sound fantastic!! How did you make them?
I lined up 3 pc of salami overlapping --- <Like that lol
Then fold in half and roll. I also cut slices of mozzarella into 3rds and rolled those too. They're cute. But next time Ill just buy the small mozzarella balls.
(I've been checking out Pinterest for Xmas apps so I have lots of charcuterie ideas!!)

So, salami, basil leaves, mozzarella roses, basil leaves, roasted cherry tomatoes on ends.

I did not love the cottage cheese Alfredo. I skipped the butter because I only have real butter. I DO have real parmesan tho. But even doctored up, it wasn't for me. Id rather just eat the cottage cheese lol I'll stick to Alfredo as a treat.
I lined up 3 pc of salami overlapping --- <Like that lol
Then fold in half and roll. I also cut slices of mozzarella into 3rds and rolled those too. They're cute. But next time Ill just buy the small mozzarella balls.
(I've been checking out Pinterest for Xmas apps so I have lots of charcuterie ideas!!)

So, salami, basil leaves, mozzarella roses, basil leaves, roasted cherry tomatoes on ends.

I did not love the cottage cheese Alfredo. I skipped the butter because I only have real butter. I DO have real parmesan tho. But even doctored up, it wasn't for me. Id rather just eat the cottage cheese lol I'll stick to Alfredo as a treat.
glad you gave it a try. sorry you didnt like it. thank you forsharing your skewer recipe. sound delish! cant wait totry
some one from another site posted about changing and looking at your mindset. she mentioned that oftentimes when we journal it is with a diet mentality. a lot of people track their food to make sure they eat as little as possible using the diet mentality. she then stated that after bariatric surgery we change our mindset by looking at food journaling as a means a health and self care. it is a way of making sure we are getting sure what we need, and not harming our bodies by eating less or too much!! much better way of looking at it!!!
This is true. I track so I have an idea of what is going into my body. So, I even track the "bad" days. I find it helpful to know exactly what is going on. I can eat a lot more than I thought I'd be able to and sugar doesn't really affect me. So I am always going to have to have a handle on my daily intake.
havent been posting in here daily like i should. so going to move on that. exercise has been going well. everyday i have been doing something-either walking, on youtube or on zoom. also continue to track my food on baritastic.

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some one from another site posted about changing and looking at your mindset. she mentioned that oftentimes when we journal it is with a diet mentality. a lot of people track their food to make sure they eat as little as possible using the diet mentality. she then stated that after bariatric surgery we change our mindset by looking at food journaling as a means a health and self care. it is a way of making sure we are getting sure what we need, and not harming our bodies by eating less or too much!! much better way of looking at it!!!
I like that.
Oh how the mighty have fallen lol I cannot believe I thought I'd walk 4Xs after sinus surgery. I barely made it through Target yesterday lol Luckily, I'm still prepping soups, so at least my eating habits are ok.

Although, my favorite soups do not seem too have a lot if protein, so I need to make some adjustments this week. I'd like to make some French onion but maybe I'll add beef.
Luckily, I have foods already in the freezer, so I'll be having unstuffed cabbage and pork Chalupas this week as well.