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Welcoming the Fall and Activity

Now that the Fall is just around the corner, let's find ways to keep our changing lifestyle occupied with activities that keep us healthy, engaged, and motivated!

Check out my latest video:

Hey Linney,

How are you?

I made goal about a month so back.

Now, I am in maintenance, but I am letting my weight creep down to 195. I am figuring 190 to 195 long term is my range. Right now, I am 197 to 199 or better stated under 200!

I will watch your video a bit later. Heading out for the afternoon with wife and son.


Watched the video.

Yes, it is there for the taking.

There is always plenty to do.

Yesterday, wife, son and I went for a ride out to eastern Long Island and enjoyed an afternoon of music at one of the vineyards and had a glass of red wine.

Totally enjoyable.

Fall temperatures are definitely happening.

Time to close the pool!

Thanks so much Cheyenne for your kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed my short and sweet presentation! Hugs, Linney
Hi Linney, Thanks for the video. I don't do Fall well. I start to see the leaves changing and I start to panic about what it ahead. It is only within the last few years that I have felt this sense of dread. Trying to live in the present moment and enjoy each day. Hope all is well with you.
Hi Kim! I'm so happy to hear from you!!!!! I know how you feel with the weather changing, but I must say today was a PERFECT Fall Day! It wasn't too hot, or too cold and windy, but just PERFECT! A great day to take a walk outside and breath in the fresh air! I can't wait to see the colorful trees, that's Nature's masterpiece! I hope you are doing well and remaining true to this journey! I too am TRYING to live in the present moment. The days are just flying by it seems, and I look forward to my weekends and make the most of them. I am already planning to clean out each room of my home, and if we're snowed in this Winter, we're going to paint, and remodel each room so the plans are set to be busy indoors if that's where we'll be until the Spring.....It's great to hear from you! Hugs, Linney
A beautiful day today feeling a bit like summer. Went apple picking with the grandkids and had fun. I am changing my mindset about fall. I took your advice Linney and drove down Bear Mountain enjoying the beauty of the foliage that is beginning to change. If I can stay present, I can enjoy what is and not live in the space of what might or might not be. I will deal with it when it happens as this is really all I can do. Anything else creates anxiety with unnecessary worry, which has led me to food. Not going back. Wishing you a happy fall season.
I truly understand what you've indicated above. What true wisdom comes from what you're feeling. The journey continues to take us to places unknown and one day will become the turning point to proceed on a different path. A different perspective. I am working on this as well, but have been embracing the moments in time where life seems to stand still for a "moment" and in the "moment" is peace.

I enjoy hearing your perspective on various subjects. Your input has a lot of substance. Thank you for contributing your knowledge! Peace always, and hugs, Linney