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Looking for a mentor/support before surgery.

Absolutely gorgeous and inviting. Speaking of which, I'm free the last 2 weeks of July if you'd like those chairs filled lol. I'll bring the healthy snacks and protein/Gatorade Zero drinks! ❤❤
We are having a small gathering on the 30 day combined to celebrate theafter my birthday and early anniversary on Aug 4 and early hubby birthday on Aug 8. The snacks sound fabulous.
Been really busy again. Playing catch up on the journal here. Forgive me. Good stuff, silly stuff and fun stuff. Bad day eating today missed two meals did get in two snacks this afternoon before eating dinner at 10 pm. I was doing so good, blame it on the heat.

My yard helper kinda set me back. I told him about putting (repaired) broken pavers under the 8x16 cinder block steps and 4x16 cinder block steps in front of the pool shed. He dug two inches too deep so I have been pulling the broken pavers, cinder block steps the 8 and 4 inchers, and then using a driveway crack repair material or quickcrete to fix the pavers. The first paver was quickcrete not too sure about how good it will hold seemed like only a surface fix. Did three with the other material it seems like it seeped down more. 24 hours will tell. One more broken paver to go maybe I will get to that tomorrow. Also need to start replacing the two inches of dirt for the shed steps. When that is done I will connect the 16 inch pavers in front of the ramp past the shed steps to the patio. Plan to have done by the 30th.

My garden hose to the pool sprang a leak, figured out it was over 20 years old. (Thinks it was hit by the mower) Been outside all this time. Went to store got new hose, decided to replace the 3-4 inch screws holding the hose over the garage door with single robe hooks, pricey but worth it. (I used 17 hooks, 9 for over breezeway door and garage, three for each shed and 2 for the pool deck.) also put the extension cord up with the pool hose since I ran over it with the mower last week and had to put new plug on extension cord, the mower pulled the plug out of power source so no damage to mower. Good news I only lost about 9-10 inches of extension cord. Husband is slightly miffed I have taken command of the hose. I am going to fix the old hose and use the spigot at the back of the house for his tomato plants. I will even put the sprinkler on it. It is hiding under his smoker/grill. This way He will have his own hose with a sprinkler. Next year I Want to put in raised garden beds around the big shed for husband to garden. Need to find plans for the ones with the cinder blocks so I know how many I need to get delivered. Better figure out how long and wide to make them too. Can’t remember if that was missy or 3mom chaos who had those done last year. I will research that before I design it.

The new solar bug zapper/ flood lights came today in the mail. Put one facing patio on the deck rail and other facing the pool on the deck post. Tonight I was outside later than normal trying to finish the hooks for the hose. Didn’t finish soooo…tomorrow I will do that. As a result I did get to see the new zapper/light work, the flood light comes on with motion and then times off after a min or couple of min depends on how much motion is going on. Will check the zapper tomorrow for bug remains.

Since the pool went into algae overkill when I was resting my knee with elevation and ice I have spent the last 5 days trying to clear it up. When I washed the filter balls (check them on Amazon), the first time after the algae appeared I used regular laundry soap. Thinks that is what caused the phosphate problem. The water didn’t clear up. Went to pool store and ended up with 6 gallons of shock to put in, 1 gallon of muriatrc acid only called for half, and calcium increaser. The water turned blue on that Monday after I added the shock, muriatic acid, but I don’t think I got enough of the phosphate chemical in. Tuesday it was still blue and cloudy with excess phosphates, gave it the 36-48 hours pool store recommended. Wednesday I took filter apart a second time while waiting for chemical to work. I did try to waste vac what had fallen even though I couldn’t really see through the cloudy water. this time I cleaned filter balls with oxiclean thinks I have this right this time. Oxyclean says no phosphates on the package. Thursday got water tested at pool store they said I needed ph increaser alkalinity increaser and calcium increaser. This afternoon I was adding baking soda for ph increaser and alkalinity increase and calcium increase, ran the cleaned filter with that. Tonight I got in pool and brushed the walls and floor added the phosphate chemical for second time on the phosphates. This time the bottle emptied like it was supposed to. Wonders if that was because of the new hose? Turned off the filter. Hoping to see crystal clear water tomorrow. Or else back to the pool store on Sunday. Has to wait 24 hours for phosphate chemical to work.

I also painted the 9 boards to replace in the glider on the porch two days ago, today I marked and cut them with the skill saw. Husband seemed offended I didn’t wait for him to do on the table saw. Uhm started the glider stuff last summer never got beyond rounding the edges and some sanding. I just got the boards away from him this week, he kept telling me he needed to sand them down some more. I painted and cut them to length. Still need to drill holes for carriage bolts starting with new ones. Husband brought out his sander so I can paint that frame after sanding. Never got to that today. I have given husband the job to clean his grill on his smoker/grill, to be ready by the 30. He wants pork steaks I figure burgers, I will go halfsies on the pork steaks.

Lost my Drexel bit for starting holes today when I was putting the hooks on the metal shed. I was so unhappy that I did that. Got two new ones and one blew out of the Dremel tool when I was putting up the zapper for the pool side. Will look for it tomorrow it was getting dark or should I say it was dark by that time. Found the lost screw from the ladder in the pool tonight while brushing it and one of the hook screws I lost while trying to hang the hook in the dark.

Wonders if I will have time to mend/patch the canopy for the swing in the pool yard. Hopes you enjoy my story. Have fun be safe.
It was not me that made raised garden beds. I can barely keep flowers alive. Although I did plant peppers and tomatoes in pots this year .. Which are still alive and yummy lo!
Hello I’m 22 female based in SI,NY
quick backstory
I had the gastric sleeve at 2017 starting weight 297 lbs
In 2020 I had the gastric bypass starting weight 278 lbs
Recently I had the Trans Oral Outlet a reduction (Tores) July 21,2022 starting weight 236lbs
Today I had annual visit with pcp. Blood work came out great but that automated blood pressure machine is a joke. It always reads 30 points higher I am normally 130/70 and sometimes lower, that machine puts me at 160/76. Home weight today with underclothes and socks 207.8. Weight at dr office 94k aka 207.176 with conversion app. Protein levels from 7/19 4.0 right in the middle at all my bariatric first year visits I am under the low level. Unless I do more dumb things like falling again like I did on Sunday, I am good for the next year. Been to chiropractor to be put back in place. Took nap today afterwards, feel a lot better. Checked pool at 6 pm. Small amount of goop from last chemicals added yesterday. Vacuumed and all gone. Tested water and test strips showed chlorine level good for I think the first time, and ph levels good. Now steps for the shed, pavers for the ramp to the patio and finish painting glider frame and put new seating/back boards on it by Saturday. I got this.
Hello I’m 22 female based in SI,NY
quick backstory
I had the gastric sleeve at 2017 starting weight 297 lbs
In 2020 I had the gastric bypass starting weight 278 lbs
Recently I had the Trans Oral Outlet a reduction (Tores) July 21,2022 starting weight 236lbs
Hi Brianna welcome to the group. This is a great place for information, ask questions, support, and just talk about stuff that you don’t have anyone else to share with.
Hi everyone,
I’m new to the group and I finally got a surgery date of 8/25/22 after 8 long years of not losing the weight needed to get a date. Looking for support and to support others like myself. Can’t wait to connect with you all.
Welcome Adriana. You have found a wonderful place for information, understanding, support, a place to let off steam if the need arises, we do it all. Only we are fellow WLS people not dr. We will tell you on things that need dr stuff. Be safe, choose happiness.
Hi I am Roni. I have been in the Move program at the VA in IA City IA for three years(actually longer). It is required before referring for bariatric surgery. Dec 3 I will meet with the surgeon to determine if I am eligible. Initially I was more interested in weight loss by medication, that had some obstacles but I was able to overcome them. I eat a lot of sweets when I am stressed( was really bad at last location I worked..gained almost 100 pounds) I am retired now. I have been on a 1500 diabetic diet log since July. I have lost 14-15 pounds since July to now. I have serious pain in my left hip and I have trouble walking. Exercise is a challenge. I am hoping things will be less painful when I lose some of this weight. now I am to meet with the dr. Spoke with psychiatrist for the second time yesterday, she likes how I am putting effort and research into my journey. I explained to her I recognize this as a commitment and there is no pedaling backwards down the road.
Welcome to the group! I'm also in the process of getting bariatric surgery. I wasn to long my egd done, now I have to get a gastric emptying test done, so hopefully I can have a surgery date soon. But it is taking every bit of 6 to 9 months to get the surgery..Thanksfully my insurance does not have any requirements for me to do. My requirement is whatever the surgeon wants me do while I'm in his program