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Mini Melt Down


Hi everyone. I am in the midst of a mini melt down. I went last week for my scope. I had to sit with my IV in for almost 4 hrs waiting for my turn, only to get in there and have them not be able to get me under enough to do the procedure. They rescheduled it for this week and will do it in a regular OR with an anesthesiologist, rather then the quick make you dopey method that didnt work. Ever since I got home last week I have been a wreck, discouraged and having 2nd thoughts about the entire surgery. My surgery is scheduled for July 16th and prior to last week I have been soooooo excited and looking forward to it, but now I am 2nd guessing my decision all together. Has anyone else had so many doubts just 2-3 weeks prior to their surgery? Im really at a loss as to what to do, and of course I have taken on a negative attitude which isnt helping me at all. I guess its safe to say that I just want to lay in bed and cry!!! :(
Hi Dreamz,

The WLS journey is full of ups and downs. The ones you face before surgery will get you ready for the ones you'll face after surgery. Don't let a setback cause you to back out on this journey. In the larger scale of your life, an extra week to have this procedure done is merely a blip on the screen. Focus on why you're having this surgery in the first place, remember it's your long term health we're talking about. I would rather have them reschedule the appointment rather than try to run the procedure when you weren't loopy enough. You can do this, just remember why you're on the journey.


For some its as smooth as silk for others its a real emotional roller coaster. Just throw up your hands and scream at the top of your lungs. You'll feel better. Good luck and treat it as an amusement ride. Attitude is everything.

Thank you so much for listening to me babble! I have gotten to the root of my melt down and tackled it head on! I have had and still have severe panic attacks and bouts of agoraphobia (fear of leaving your safe places), and my 24 yr old son and his fiance were going to take me for the scope and my inner brain went into freak out mode because my husband is my rock and he wasnt going to be there. I am sure that the kids asking me about the pagers from the hospital so they could go to the mall didnt help ease my mind any either.. (damn kids) lol Soooooooooo now I have to call my Dr tomorrow and explain all of this to him and try to figure out a day that my husband can be there for me. Since my surgery date is July 16th and I am on day 3 of my semi liquid diet, this could require a small miracle time wise. <insert heavy sigh> Thanks again for your replies.......You almost make me feel somewhat normal LOL
Well yours are only MINI!!!! My are like GIGANTIC!!!!!!!! I hate everyone now and I think they hate me!!! Im a mess!!!
Awwww, Im sorry to hear that Tammi. Im calling mine mini meltdowns because I am candy coating them. lol I certainly have my moments and my husband is beginning to think he needs to take me to a padded cell instead of the bariatric unit. He actually said the other night " I never knew that one woman could produce so many tears in such a short period of time" LOL
well youre crying- Im screaming!!! So tell him he is lucky my poor husband and dog dot know what to think!!! Im like you gal - I hope all this is worth it in the end!!!!!!!! And that things get better for us!!! Youre closer than I am so please keep the updates coming!!! As I posted to another fellow patient- I don't know why it seem everyone is on different diets before their surgery- some have liquid diets only for 3 weeks- some 2- mine was as soon as I got the date I was to start a high protein low carb diet and then 2 weeks before do 2 shakes to replace meals and have I meal (high protein/low card) then clear liquids day before surgery......that still baffles me why its not the same for us all- I know the dr has something to do with it- but it just baffles me......
hey can you tell me what happens at pre op- since you have gone thru it???? Thanks!!! ANd Only 9 more days for you!!!!!! No more tears!!!!!:cool:
Hi Kelly,

So sorry to hear about your frustration. Hang in there...you only have a few more days and you will have a new mind set. After you have surgery, I was wondering if you would like to come to my hometown for a group session...it's the same distance from your house to here as to where you are having surgery. I only went once before surgery. The meetings are the 3rd Thursday of the month @ 6:30..let me know and I will give you the details. If you have any concerns you can call me @ home...just let me know in a private message to me and I will give you my telephone number. Good luck on your journey. Hugs, Nancy
NoTurningBack has a great idea. Attending live support group meetings is important as you can talk to people who are at different stages in their journey. You will see first hand what can happen if you stick with the plan. At my last two support group meetings, people who didn't know me said they thought I was there with someone, no way I was a WLS patient. I told them yes I am and boy did the questions and compliments start coming. For me, I find it easier to talk to people rather than post. Anyway, take her up on the offer, go to a group and see what you think.

